Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh 2024-08-14T09:15:06+00:00 Andi Astrid Fauziah [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Tabligh Journal is a scientific publication for research topics and studies on communication and da'wah. <br>The form of publiation that we receive will be reviewed by reviewers who have a concentration in the field of Communication, specifically Da'wah and Communication.</p> <p><br>As for studies, that are part of our study, namely:<br>- Political Communication <br>- Islamic communication <br>- Islamic Broadcasting Communication <br>- Communication between Religion and Culture <br>- Journalism <br>- Da'wah Management <br>- Social welfare <br>- Islamic counseling guidance <br>and others concerning communication and da'wah.<br><br>We publish this journal twice a year, in June and December. <br>The Tabligh Journal first appeared in the printed version in 2011. <br>This journal is managed by the Tabligh journal team under the Da'wah and Communication Faculty of Alauddin Islamic University in Makassar.</p> REPRESENTASI PERFORMA BUDAYA PASSURA’ PADA MASYARAKAT TORAJA 2024-07-02T04:51:02+00:00 Waliyuddin [email protected] Nurhakki Ansar [email protected] Abdul Rasyid [email protected] <p><em>Passura</em>' is a carving that is the identity of cultural performance in the Toraja people which has the characteristics of signs and conditions with meaning. Passura' is used not only for aesthetic purposes in Tongkonan houses and typical Toraja fashion and accessories but also has a meaning that is represented in the life of the Toraja people. This research with a descriptive qualitative method aims to describe the meaning and representation of meaning in the dimension of socio-cultural life, as well as the position of passura as a cultural performance in Toraja society.&nbsp; passura based on the perspective of its interpretation, the results of this study show that; (1) <em>Passura'</em> as a sign consists of shapes, colors, and types that have a complex phenomenon. The shape that becomes a sign is the shape of nature and flora and fauna, the color consists of black, white, yellow, and red, and the types are grouped in <em>the level of passura</em>'. Each sign represents something outside the object itself; (2) the representation of passura in Toraja life includes (a) the representation of the existence of strata and social roles or with <em>Tana'</em> known in <em>Tana' Bulawan, Tana' Bassi, Tana' karurung</em>, and <em>Tana' Kua-kua</em>; (b) as a representation of aluk or the rules of social life that must be carried out by all individuals and communally, because all the rules of aluk that are carried out are engraved in the form of <em>passura'</em>; (c) as a representation of the rules of the relationship between man and creator as well as man and nature in Toraja teachings is called <em>aluk Tallu Lolona</em>; (d) as a representation of the greatness, leadership, and welfare of the Toraja Community because passura describes the figure of leaders or influential figures in Toraja society; (e) Representation of the spirit of togetherness of the unity of 'karapasan';&nbsp; (3) The use of <em>Passura'</em> as a Cultural Performance includes: (a) <em>Passura'</em> as a process that has undergone an evolution of types and forms because it is influenced by popular culture, economy, and tourism factors; (b) Passura is used as an awareness of identity and devotion to ancestors, (c) as a <em>Rites of Passage</em> because it is used in every formal event as symbolism, stories, and actions in the Tana Toraja community from time to time.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh PRIVATISASI COLLECTIVE GOODS SUMBER DAYA EKSTRAKTIF BUDIDAYA LOBSTER UNTUK KESEJAHTERAAN SOSIAL MASYARAKAT KEPULAUAN MULUT SERIBU 2024-07-02T04:51:05+00:00 Ananias Riyoan Philip Jacob [email protected] Yeftha Yerianto Sabaat [email protected] Stefanus Triadmadja [email protected] <p>This study is aimed at discussing the governance of extractive natural resources of lobster farming in the thousand mouth islands - rote ndao district based on a basic argumentation: one, Privatization of Collective Goods and its implications for local communities. Second, the power relations between the government as a regulator and corporations that commercialize extractive resources of lobster farming in the Thousand Mouth Islands - Rote Ndao Regency. To analyze some of the above issues, the author uses the political ecology paradigm as a starting point. Political ecology sees resource and environmental management not only as technical issues in the field but also as a dialectic of the socio-political environment and the community where the resources are located.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh PERANAN PRODI BIMBINGAN DAN PENYULUHAN ISLAM DALAM PEMBINAAN KARAKTER MAHASISWA FAKULTAS DAKWAH DAN KOMUNIKASI UIN ALAUDDIN MAKASSAR 2024-08-14T09:15:06+00:00 Rahmatiah Rahmatiah [email protected] Nurlaelah Abbas [email protected] Islahul Amal [email protected] <p>This study aims to determine the efforts of the study program in developing the character of students of the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Study Program FDK UINAM, as well as the opportunities and challenges of the Study Program in developing the character of students of the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Study Program FDK UINAM. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research using the approach of Islamic Guidance and Psychology. The location of this research is at the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication UIN Alauddin Makassar. The primary data sources in this study are; Sitti Trinurmi the former head of the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Study Program and the additional informant Muh. Ilham is the former head of BPI Study Program, Asni Djamerang, and Muh. Nurlatief as a PA lecturer as well as several Islamic Guidance and Counseling students. Secondary data sources are books, journals, and other documents related to this research and popular writings, the results of research and other publications, and information from the internet relevant to the problem under study. Data collection methods are obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of this study show that; First, the efforts made by the Study Program in developing the character of Islamic Guidance and Counseling students, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication UIN Alauddin Makassar are preparing competent lecturers, preparing a representative curriculum by following market developments and needs, exemplary lecturers, preparing Semester Learning Plans (RPS), and the last is to carry out trainings related to character development. Second, the factors that become opportunities in developing the character of students of the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Study Program are many lessons about developing and fostering student character, students obey and obediently hear directions from lecturers, the many experiences that have been passed in fostering student character because the BPI Study Program is the longest Study Program at the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, then environmental factors also greatly affect student behavior,&nbsp; And the da'wah method becomes a positive supply for students. The challenge is that there are still lecturers who lack discipline with rules, the lack of functioning of some Academic Advisor (PA) lecturers, the laziness factor of students is also a challenge in developing this character, and the last is that there are many students who choose BPI Study Program as a choice.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh PERSPEKTIF MAHASISWA PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM UNIVERSITAS ISLAM SUNAN KALIJAGA TENTANG KASUS KEKERASAN SEKSUAL DI PERGURUAN TINGGI 2024-07-02T04:52:57+00:00 Miladina Silvia [email protected] Dwi Ratnasari [email protected] Rohmatun Lukluk I [email protected] <p>The purpose of this qualitative study is to determine how Islamic Religious Education students view sexual violence and cases instances sexual assault that take place in higher education settings and investigate more how students react to those who have been sexually assaulted. The large number of cases of sexual violence that occur in universities are caused by power relations as someone who has more power over students so that these actions can occur. Apart from that, sexual violence can also occur due to a lack of education for students regarding self-protection and ways to increase awareness of cases of sexual violence which can attack anyone at any time and be carried out by anyone, even those closest to us. This research will be carried out on the campus of the Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, where several students' perspectives and understanding will be sought regarding cases of sexual violence that occur on the campus of the Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University and also understanding of cases of sexual violence on campuses in Indonesia. This study employs descriptive methodologies and a qualitative approach in field research. This research was carried out using a phenomenological and normative approach which aims to describe how students majoring in Islamic religious education who also have a santri background understand about incidents of sexual assault that took place on campus of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Research data was obtained using 3 types of student respondents, namely fundamentalist students, activist students and traditionalist students. Each of course has a different point of view.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh NEPOTISME DALAM PANDANGAN HADIST 2024-07-02T04:51:01+00:00 Agung Zulkarnain Alang [email protected] Zulfahmi [email protected] Abdul Rahman Sakka [email protected] <p>The purpose of this study is to explore hadiths that explain nepotism. This research is Library <em>Research</em>. The data sources used come from several literature and library materials related to the topic discussed. The study results show that the Hadith about nepotism narrated by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal is of valid quality. This conclusion is based on the fact that the narrations of the hadith, as assessed by the critics, have the status of <em>tsiqah</em>. In addition, the hadith in question does not contradict the content of the Qur'an, namely that those who disobey Allah and His Messenger will be put in hell. The practice of nepotism that is prohibited by Islamic teachings is solely based on family or relatives’ considerations without paying attention to the ability and professionalism as well as the nature of trust of a person who will be given a position. As for nepotism it is accompanied by consideration of ability and professionalism as well as the nature of trust of a person who will be given a position, it is not prohibited.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh Penerimaan Generasi Muda Betawi Terhadap Sosok Benyamin dalam Film Benyamin Biang Kerok 2018 2024-07-12T01:34:43+00:00 Tri Suharman [email protected] <p>The Movie Benyamin Biang Kerok, released in 2018, told the story of Pengki, the son of rich Betawinese who often spends his parents' money. He helps the poor like Robin Hood by stealing money from evil businessmen. The movie, starring Reza Rahadian, Rano Karno, Meriam Bellina, is based on the film with the same title that actor Benyamin Sueb plays. This research uses the reception method and aims to find out the acceptance of young Betawinese towards the figure of Benyamin in the movie, played by Reza Rahadian, who is not a Betawi actor like Benyamin Sueb. This research uses the reception analysis method that views media as integrated into a person’s social life so that media content can be interpreted differently by different recipients. In this study, the researcher had eight Betawinese informants and analyzed data from the interview by using Stuart Hall's decoding-encoding concept. The result of this research proves that the majority of Betawi informants have a different reception to the message, text, or code conveyed in the film.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh KOMUNIKASI DAN KOLABORASI DIGITAL DALAM LOKALISASI SDGS 2024-08-06T06:34:57+00:00 Ditha [email protected] Sri Seti Indriani [email protected] <p>Who would have thought that the existence of digital media could promote health to the public so quickly? Healthy and prosperous living is SDGs goal three also becomes information that circulates quickly if promoted through digital media. Is this true? Check the truth through various health communication events presented in this chapter. One of them is information about healthy living with herbs, as one of the health promotion programs by health workers who are experts in their fields. This is in line with Indonesia's local cultural heritage attached to the ancestors' tradition of using herbal plants. In addition, this phenomenon also illustrates an effort to localize the SDGs of healthy and prosperous living with herbs in Indonesia. This is interesting to study, especially in terms of knowing the efforts made to localize the SDGs of healthy living with herbs in Indonesia. Therefore, this chapter thoroughly explores the main keys in herbal health promotion programs in Indonesia, as well as unpacks the efforts to localize the SDGs of healthy living with herbs through digital collaboration &amp; communication. The research method used is the case study method, with data collection techniques namely observation, literature study, and in-depth interviews. The results showed that the collaboration and digital communication found were diverse, ranging from the individual level and community level. Collaboration and digital communication are key in localizing the fourth point of Indonesia's SDGs, namely healthy and prosperous living. In this research, healthy living with herbs is promoted as health promotion by health workers. The digital collaboration and communication in question are shown through the existence of health promotion through digital media in the form of various social media.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh