This research about study sighting of fasility and laboratorymanagement of Natural Sciences. at level of Madrasah Tsanawiyah
(MTS) Se-Kabupaten Jeneponto. This formula research internal issue
is (1) What is the equipment of laboratory facilities and basic facilities
of Natural Sciences. by school of madrasah se-Kabupaten Jeneponto
fulfill minimum standard which specified by Institute Standard
National Education?; ( 2) How is laboratory management of Natural
Sciences by existing MTS se-Kabupaten Jeneponto?; This research
have been conducted with a few method intake of data that is
observation, admission filling of enquette, direct interview and
documentation photograph result of survey. Data analysis in this
research is used analytic descriptive method that is intake of
quantitative data, then analysed descriptive statistically.
Result of research obtained that (1) laboratory facilities and basic
facilities of natural sciences by the school of madrasah MTS se-
Kabupaten Jeneponto not yet fulfilled minimum standard which
specified by Institute Standard National Education and not yet is
maximal of management performance meanly; ( 2) Laboratory
management system of natural sciences by existing MTs obtained
meanly assess the understanding of interest standard lead laboratory
that is 3,14 namely good category, but application in streamlining
activity of management of laboratory not yet maximal and not yet
according of attainment goals.
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