• Rahmaniah Rahmaniah
  • Akmal Akmal
  • Muh. Said L


Has been conducted research on the measurement of the
thermal conductivity in the sample hollow Batako and batako samples
has been filled rice husk. this research aimed to determine the effect of
temperature changes on two different sample types. In this research
first conducted calorific value calculation on two different sample
types. Then performed the calculation of the conductivity value then
the conductivity values obtained were compared with the theoretical
value of conductivity. Measurement of the temperature value must be
checked every 10 minutes for 6 hours per day within 12 days. The
results showed that the role of rice husk in the heat absorption system
is very influential. The temperature batako Sample are not filled rice
husk increased faster than rice husk filled bricks so that the value of
the temperature change will also affect which will affect the
calculation of calorific value. Value of temperature changes on hollow
batako smaller if compared with batako stuffed rice husk. Calculation
of calorific value in the hollow batako samples obtained calorific
values for the lamp 25 W of 18.339 J and batako samples were filled
rice husks for lamp 25 W at 17.226 J. While the calorific value of the
lamp 40 W for the sample is 28.839 A hollow batako and batako
samples were filled husks calorific value of 33.019 A. The conductivity
values obtained in the two different types batako samples is 0.339
W/moC or in other words equal to the value batako thermal
conductivity according to the theory. Test values obtained greater
mechanical stress on the batako samplefilled rice husk compared with
hollow batako samples.


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Vol. 9 Nomor 1 Tahun 2015
Abstract viewed = 55 times