• Amriana Hifizah
  • Astati Astati


The enhancement of the implementation of Artificial
Insemination program is one of the government's efforts to boost the
cattle’s population in Indonesia, especially the eastern part of
Indonesia. Gowa Regency through the Department of Fisheries and
Livestock has been implementing Artificial Insemination (AI),
especially in District of Tombolo Pao which has been running for 3
years. This study was conducted to see how far the success rate of AI
in District of Tombolo Pao by looking at the influence of several
factors: the origin and quality of the frozen semen used, the farmers’
characteristics, the inseminator qualifications, S/C ratio, Conception
Rate (CR) and Calving Interval (CI). This study was conducted from
June to August 2014 in District of Tombolo Pao, Gowa Regency. The
basic method used is descriptive and quantitative analysis. The data
used is primary and secondary data. This study aims to analyze the
factors that support the success of AI in District of Tombolo Pao,
Gowa Regency, they are: The origin and quality of frozen semen used;
Characteristics of the farmers; the Farmers’ participation on AI; and
the success of AI based on the score of Conception Rate (CR), S / C
ratio, and Calving Interval (CI). Frozen semens used in AI in District
of Tombolo Pao are from the Center of AI in Lembang and Singosari,
West Java. The quality of the semen also can be determined from the
score of conception rate which is 60-75%. The characteristics of the
respondent farmers: the majority age is 30-50 years (75%), most of
the farmers’ background is elementary education level (70.5%), with
the main livelihood as farmers (79.6%) having averagely 4 -5 cattles
(68.2%) and the average period of being a cattle farmer is 7-8 years
(86.4%). Participation of farmers in the AI program is very
enthusiastic indicated by 79.5% of the farmers agree for crossing
their cattle breed through AI technique. The period of the farming,
number of livestock and the participation of the farmers in AI
program is not significantly influenced the success of AI. However, the
success of AI program can be figured out through the score of CR =
60-75% (84.1%); S / C ratio <3 (75%); and CI average of 12 months
(70.5%). The age of the farmers is significantly influenced the success
14 of AI in CI score (p <0.05). Level of education significantly influenced
the success of AI in CR score (p <0.05).


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Vol. 9 Nomor 1 Tahun 2015
Abstract viewed = 66 times