• Hasriyanti Hasriyanti


This study aims to determine the distribution of sediments based
on the type of grain and sorting values in the waters of the island Dutungan
Barru. Seabed sediment sampling was also carried out by using a bottom
grab samples were performed at each station. Note the position and time
pengamatan.Sampel drawn on the bottom sediment grab samples inserted
into the sediment sample bag and labeled. Laboratory analysis to determine
the type, grain size / diameter of the bottom waters. Field data collection
activities carried out at 12 sampling points, but there are two points that did
not work because the bottom waters sampled in the form of hard coral,
making it very difficult for the presence of basic sediment samples waters.
The results showed that the characteristics of the sediment on the island
consists of silt Dutungan greatest on Observation Station 4 with a value of
0.09 grams sorting medium, very fine sand to the largest measurement
station 8 at 8.20 grams with sorting pretty good value, fine sand on
measurement station 9 at 56.02 grams with sorting value ugly, sand is being
greatest at Observation Station 1 at 58.28 grams with sorting pretty good
value, most large coarse sand on Observation Station 5 at 54.11 grams with
a very good value, very coarse sand greatest at 8 Observation Station at
21.84 grams with sorting pretty good value, and most large gravel on
Observation Station 7 of 63.5 grams with moderate sorting value. On the
Measurement Station 1 is dominated by sand sediment medium (0.25 to 0.85
mm) although containing fine sand (0.15 to 0.25 mm) and silt (<0.15 mm)
higher than the measurement station other. This is due to its location further
away from the beach and sheltered from the effects of ocean waves and the
number of organic matter and detritus that brought water to accumulate in
the waters of this river, especially at lower currents.


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Vol. 9 Nomor 1 Tahun 2015
Abstract viewed = 885 times