• Nur Syam AS


Based on the research results, it appears that the development of
multimodal transportation system in Pangkep within the framework of
logistik efficiency island communities to do with optimizing the utilization of
large rivers that cross the territory Pangkep. The third river is the national
road network services, in addition is located adjacent to the vertices of the
other transport, such as road transport terminals, ports and railway station
plan. The river dock location that is on one site with markets and shops will
facilitate the transport of goods and facilitate the public to transact their
catch in the territorial waters of the island.
The development of multimodal transportation system in Pangkep is needed,
in addition to the potential that surrounded him, also have barriers and
problems faced by the island community. The high price of goods on the
island due to the lack mode of transport that can be used by local
communities in accordance with the movement of goods and capacity needs.
Volume logistik needs of the island community based food standards, thus
requiring facilities more adequate transport services through the provision
of specialized vessels, ie vessels with a capacity of 350 DWT. This ship is a
type of vessel that can be saved by the government as a ship pilot for remote
areas and islands (promote the trade ships and ships follow the trade). The
transport system development course provides broad direction of regional
development that can improve the welfare of the people in the island
territories Pangkep.


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Vol. 10 Nomor 1 Tahun 2016
Abstract viewed = 173 times