Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites of the genusPlasmodium, which is transmitted through the bite of Anopheles mosquito
with an overview of the disease include fever are often periodic, anemia,
enlargement of the spleen and various collection of symptoms due to effects
on several organs such as brain, liver and kidneys. Because malaria is very
dangerous, the authors designed a malaria disease diagnosis expert system
that allows users to diagnose the onset of her illness. Expert systems are
computer programs that mimic an expert reasoning with expertise in a
particular knowledge area. Expert system trying to find a solution, give
advice or conclusion that is consistent with thethe problems it finds. The
author managed to implement a web-based expert system uses backward
chaining method that can overcome these problems in consultation with the
patient. Programming languages used in this system is the PHP
programming language and for database creation using mysq. Hope the
author, this system can help physicians or even ordinary people in making
decisions when diagnosing malaria. Based on the results of white box testing
concluded that this expert system error-free program for a total of
Cyclomatic Complexity = 4, Region = 4, and Independent Path = 4.
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