TIMPALAJA : Architecture Student Journals 2024-07-02T08:28:43+00:00 Marwati [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong>TIMPALAJA</strong>: Architecture Student Journal (E-ISSN: <a href=""><strong>2745-8490</strong></a>) is a scientific publication for student collaborative research and lecturers on a widespread topic in architectural design studies. The papers received by this journal will be reviewed by the editorial team. TIMPALAJA publishes articles that include textual studies and field studies from a variety of architectural design perspectives. Timpalaja is a student journal of the Department of Architecture at UIN Alauddin Makassar that is published twice a year, in June &amp; December.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa (SDLB) dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Perilaku di Kabupaten Mamuju 2024-06-26T07:27:36+00:00 Lulu anggreani adiyani [email protected] Irma Rahayu [email protected] Andi Hildayanti [email protected] <p><strong><em>Abstract_</em></strong><em>Indonesia has 2,250 Special Schools (SLB) for Children with Special Needs (ABK) from elementary to high school in the 2021–2022 academic year. This study aims to design a Special Elementary School (SDLB) with a behavioural architecture approach in Mamuju Regency to produce a design that meets the needs of ABK.</em> <em>The research methods include data collection from literature studies and descriptive analysis based on field surveys of site conditions. The results indicate that site selection, condition, and area must be based on criteria and regional spatial plans to ensure that the building design aligns with actual conditions on the ground and incorporates behavioural architecture.</em> <em>The planning of the SDLB must consider ABK's particular needs, accessibility, comfort, and safety. Applying the behavioural architecture concept in SDLB design considers the behaviour of ABK and connects it with the use of the designed building. The design of SDLB with a behavioural architecture approach focuses on creating a safe and standard-compliant building by considering the needs and activities of ABK from an architectural perspective.</em></p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lulu anggreani adiyani, Irma Rahayu, Andi Hildayanti Penerapan Panel Surya dan Cross Ventilation pada Desain Pusat Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Sampah (PLTSa) di Makassar 2024-06-29T11:40:40+00:00 Mirdawati [email protected] Marwati [email protected] Andi Herniwati [email protected] <p>Electricity has become society's primary need, which will continue in the future, along with the increasing use of electrical equipment. The need to utilize electrical energy is so significant that it differs from conventional power plants in terms of the availability of energy sources. Conventional electrical energy sources come from fossil fuels, which are the largest source of pollution that has an impact on global warming. This research aims to minimize global warming and support energy procurement using solar panels, using a qualitative descriptive method by identifying the use of solar panels and cross ventilation systems in the design of the Waste Power Plant Center in Makassar City, followed by a comparative study. The design result is the application of monocrystalline solar panels with a slope of 15° and a cross-ventilation system with bottom casement-type openings installed with wide openings to optimize airflow circulation.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mirdawati Mirdawati, Marwati Marwati, Andi Herniwati Penerapan Konsep Arsitektur Perilaku Pasca Pandemi Pada Desain Pasar di Kabupaten Wajo 2024-06-29T11:51:47+00:00 Ilmanda Tegar Mahusfah [email protected] Zulkarnain AS [email protected] Nursyam [email protected] <p><strong><em>Abstrak_</em></strong></p> <p><em>The application of post-pandemic behavior architecture to traditional market buildings in Wajo Regency has become a forum for fulfilling trade sector activities that support programs to prevent the spread of viruses and healthy buildings. This research used descriptive method and literature study as a method for collecting data. The research object focuses on the application of post-pandemic behavior architectural designs to traditional market buildings in Wajo Regency. The design results obtained are traditional markets that are able to support buying and selling activities comfortably by fulfilling rules and the behavior of market users during the post-pandemic period.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: </em><em>Post Pandemic Architecture Concept, Market Design, designing concept.</em></p> 2024-06-21T05:07:27+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ilmanda Tegar Mahusfah, Zulkarnain AS, Nursyam Nursyam Penerapan Arsitektur Islam pada Rencana Pembangunan Pusat Kebudayaan Islam di Bulukumba 2024-06-29T11:46:52+00:00 Rahmat Wahidin [email protected] Marwati [email protected] Mukhlishah Sam [email protected] <p><em>As one of the districts that is concerned with religious activities, namely Bulukumba, a forum is needed for the community or the government to carry out these activities in the form of an Islamic Cultural Center which accommodates the various needs of community activities. The design of the Islamic Cultural Center is a facility with supporting facilities that support educational, social, health, economic activities, and a center for preaching the spread of Islam. The design of the Islamic Cultural Center in Bulukumba Regency, applies an Islamic architectural approach that is in line with the building's functions based on basic Islamic principles, as contained in the Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadith. Then it is poured in the form of architectural design in accordance with architectural disciplines which are expected to be able to foster community interest and enthusiasm in carrying out Islamic activities, especially in the people of Bulukumba Regency.</em></p> 2024-06-21T07:36:45+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmat Wahidin Penerapan Arsitektur Perilaku dalam Perancangan Sekolah Tahfidzul Qur’an di Kabupaten Takalar 2024-06-26T07:45:25+00:00 A Yunikha Citra [email protected] Burhanuddin Amin [email protected] Alfiah [email protected] <p><em>This study investigates the application of Islamic architectural principles in the design of an Islamic Center in Bulukumba Regency, Indonesia. As a region focused on religious activities, Bulukumba requires a venue for both the community and government to conduct these activities, in the form of an Islamic Cultural Center. The center is intended to accommodate various social, educational, health, economic, and Islamic propagation activities, while serving as a cultural landmark reflecting the spiritual and communal identity of the Muslim community. The study highlights the importance of integrating geometric patterns and traditional materials to create spaces that promote Islamic cultural values and historical symbolism, alongside designing supportive facilities. The proposed framework considers fundamental Islamic principles derived from the Qur'an and Hadith, adapted to the local context of Bulukumba. The primary objective of this study is to enhance understanding of how architectural elements can enrich the functionality and cultural significance of the Islamic Center, contributing significantly to the development of contemporary architecture in Indonesia</em></p> 2024-06-21T09:24:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A Yunikha Citra Citra, Burhanuddin, Alfiah Penerapan Arsitektur Futuristik pada Sirkuit Balap di Kabupaten Bulukumba 2024-06-29T22:51:42+00:00 Ahmad Awal Resky [email protected] Irma Rahayu [email protected] Muhammad Attar [email protected] <p>Futuristic architecture emerges from visionary ideas that embody freedom and forward-looking perspectives, manifesting in unconventional, creative, and innovative forms. Drawing upon literature and theoretical frameworks, this paper formulates several key principles of futuristic architecture: (1) integration of future-oriented concepts in building design; (2) adoption of unconventional and asymmetrical building shapes; and (3) utilization of cutting-edge technological advancements in structural design and construction practices. Employing a descriptive-qualitative analysis method, this study applies these principles through three case studies. Findings underscore that the juxtaposition of futuristic building forms against traditional environments accentuates their conceptualization of the future. Moreover, the degree of uniqueness and asymmetry directly influences the application of these principles, while advancements in structural technology reinforce their implementation.</p> 2024-06-22T03:52:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Awal Resky, Irma Rahayu, Muhammad Attar Contextual Architecture pada Perancangan Pusat UMKM di Kabupaten Nunukan 2024-06-26T07:50:50+00:00 Fauzia Armanda Sardewi [email protected] Zulkarnain AS [email protected] Suci Ramadhani [email protected] <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a crucial and strategic role in national economic development. Besides contributing to economic growth and job creation, MSMEs also distribute the results of development. This research aims to design an MSME Center in Nunukan Regency using a contextual architecture approach. The design methodology includes collecting primary data through field observations and secondary data through literature and precedent studies. Site selection considers factors such as land use, circulation, infrastructure, supporting facilities, and strategic location. From the three alternatives, the chosen location is on Ujang Dewa Street, Selisun, South Nunukan District, in accordance with the criteria and Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW). The design focuses on the skills and creativity of MSMEs in Nunukan Regency. This MSME Center is expected to become a hub for fulfilling daily needs and souvenirs for both local and wider communities, as well as stimulating economic revival. The central MSME design aims to enrich elements that reflect Nunukan's distinctive characteristics, aligning with the contextual architectural approach.</em></p> 2024-06-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 fauziaarmandasardewi nanda, Zulkarnain AS, Suci Ramadhani Penerapan Arsitektur Bioklimatik pada Aquatic Center di Kabupaten Bulukumba 2024-06-26T07:37:37+00:00 Nurul Fadly [email protected] Marwati [email protected] Nursyam [email protected] <p><em>This study aims to develop a bioclimatic design framework for the Pantai Alam Aquatic Center in Bulukumba Regency, Indonesia, tailored to the local humid climate. Bioclimatic architecture, which integrates climatic data and environmental considerations into building design, is employed to enhance energy efficiency and user comfort. This design includes the use of natural ventilation, natural lighting, and local materials, proven to be effective in creating energy-efficient and sustainable buildings. Through literature analysis and case studies, this research demonstrates that the application of bioclimatic principles can reduce energy consumption and improve thermal comfort. The findings underscore the importance of climate considerations in architectural design, especially in tropical regions. The conclusion of this study is that bioclimatic design is not only relevant but also critical for the development of sustainable and climate-adaptive public facilities. Further research is needed to monitor long-term performance and apply it to other building types. This project provides a model that can be adapted for public facilities in other tropical regions, promoting more environmentally friendly design practices.</em></p> 2024-06-24T09:09:04+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Fadly, Marwati, Nursyam Penerapan Arsitektur Ramah Lingkungan pada Kawasan Peternakan Modern di Kota Makassar 2024-07-02T08:28:43+00:00 Zul Abduh [email protected] Ratriana Said [email protected] Alfiah [email protected] <p><em><span data-preserver-spaces="true">This study aims to develop a bioclimatic design framework for the Pantai Alam Aquatic Center in Bulukumba Regency, Indonesia, tailored to the local humid climate. Bioclimatic architecture, which integrates climatic data and environmental considerations into building design, is employed to enhance energy efficiency and user comfort. This design includes the use of natural ventilation, natural lighting, and local materials, which have</span> <span data-preserver-spaces="true">proven to be effective in creating energy-efficient and sustainable buildings. Through literature analysis and case studies, this research demonstrates that the application of bioclimatic principles can reduce energy consumption and improve thermal comfort. The findings underscore the importance of climate considerations in architectural design, especially in tropical regions. This study concludes that bioclimatic design is not only relevant but also critical for the development of sustainable and climate-adaptive public facilities. Further research is needed to monitor long-term performance and apply it to other building types. This project provides a model that can be adapted for public facilities in other tropical regions, promoting more environmentally friendly design practices.</span></em></p> 2024-06-26T09:15:41+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zul Abduh, Ratriana Said, Alfiah Arsitektur Biomimikri pada Gedung Kesenian di Kabupaten Bone 2024-06-29T23:04:09+00:00 Harwinda [email protected] Burhanuddin Amin [email protected] Safruddin Juddah [email protected] <p><strong><em>_ </em></strong><em>Art is an inherent part of humanity; where there are people, art exists. An Arts Building is a venue that showcases various art forms and serves as a source of information, knowledge, education, and recreation in Bone Regency. As development increases, so does pollution. Therefore, it is essential to design buildings that can mitigate or minimize this pollution while functioning effectively, such as by creating environmentally friendly buildings. This research was conducted descriptively through a literature review, collecting information and data from books and the internet relevant to the research topic. The results show that designing an Arts Building with a biomimicry architectural approach using natural strategies is a suitable solution. One application of the biomimicry concept is the use of self-cleaning materials. The addition of TiO2 (Titanium Dioxide) to building materials aims to decompose harmful elements in the surrounding environment through a photocatalysis process similar to that in plants.</em></p> 2024-06-29T10:53:19+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Harwinda, Burhanuddin Amin, Safruddin Juddah