: Architecture Student Journals2025-02-10T04:03:36+00:00Marwati[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p align="justify"><strong>TIMPALAJA</strong>: Architecture Student Journal (E-ISSN: <a href=""><strong>2745-8490</strong></a>) is a scientific publication for student collaborative research and lecturers on a widespread topic in architectural design studies. The papers received by this journal will be reviewed by the editorial team. TIMPALAJA publishes articles that include textual studies and field studies from a variety of architectural design perspectives. Timpalaja is a student journal of the Department of Architecture at UIN Alauddin Makassar that is published twice a year, in June & December.</p> <p> </p> Arsitektur Islam pada Desain Masjid Pondok Pesantren Al Baaits di Takalar2024-12-27T08:20:16+00:00Ahmad Al Qadri[email protected]Irma Rahayu[email protected]Nursyam Nursyam[email protected]<p><em><strong>Abstract: The</strong> pesantren (Islamic boarding school) is a traditional Islamic educational institution in Indonesia with distinct characteristics in its education system and culture, where the mosque's architecture plays a significant role in creating identity and reflecting religious values. This study aims to analyse the façade design of the mosque at Pondok Pesantren Al Baaits, focusing on the influence of Islamic values in the selection of ornaments and decorations, as well as their connection to the concept of safety in both the worldly and afterlife aspects of Islamic architecture. We employed a qualitative approach using a case study method. We gathered data from direct observations of the mosque's façade design, interviews with the pesantren management, and a review of pertinent Islamic architecture literature. The findings show that the front of the mosque at Pondok Pesantren Al Baaits has some Islamic-themed decorations that show how the relationship between people, nature, and God should be balanced between the physical and non-physical worlds. These ornaments strengthen cultural and spiritual identity and create an atmosphere conducive to learning and devotion in both worldly and spiritual contexts. </em></p>2024-12-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AHMAD AL QADRI, IRMA RAHAYU, NURSYAM Bukaan dan Orientasi Bangunan sebagai Bentuk Penerapan Arsitektur Bioklimatik pada Desain Sportorium di Pesantren Mangkoso Barru2024-12-09T04:46:11+00:00Hasanatul Muasyarah[email protected]Marwati Marwati[email protected]Andi Herniwati[email protected]<p><strong><em>Abstract_ </em></strong><em>The increasingly severe global climate change, triggered by human activities such as fossil fuel combustion, deforestation, and industrial activities, has created an urgency to design buildings that are more efficient and environmentally friendly. Global warming, caused by the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, necessitates the application of new approaches in building design, which not only focus on reducing energy consumption but also on overall environmental sustainability. This research aims to identify the application of bioclimatic architecture principles in building design, focusing on orientation, openings, and material selection that support energy efficiency. The methods used in this research include descriptive analysis of passive solar design that utilizes natural energy from the surrounding environment, the selection of sustainable materials, and the implementation of green systems such as green roofs and rainwater harvesting systems to reduce the building's carbon footprint. The research results indicate that the application of bioclimatic architecture principles, such as optimal building orientation towards the sun and efficient use of openings, can reduce dependence on artificial energy, enhance occupant comfort, and minimize negative environmental impacts. These findings support climate change mitigation efforts by creating buildings that are more energy-efficient, sustainable, and environmentally friendly.</em></p>2024-12-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hasanatul Muasyarah, Marwati, Andi Herniwati Arsitektur Islam pada Desain Pusat Thibbun Nabawi di Kota Makassar 2025-02-10T04:03:36+00:00Ovy Uniarti Ananda[email protected]Alfiah Alfiah[email protected]Mukhlishah Sam[email protected]<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>_non-medical diseases have become a common problem among people from various walks of life. From an Islamic perspective, Thibbun Nabawi therapy can treat this disease. The increasing number of visitors and the growth of Islamic alternative health facilities in Makassar City present an opportunity to enhance health facilities, specifically the Thibbun Nabawi medical center. The research method employs data collection methods such as journals, books, and information related to Thibbun Nabawi treatment. Additionally, field surveys are conducted to gather information about potential sites that could support the design of Thibbun Nabawi treatment centers. This research culminates in a site concept that aligns with the spatial plan of Makassar city, incorporating Islamic architectural concepts such as Habluminallah on the façade, Habluminnas in space processing, and Habluminal-nature in the Herb Garden.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Islamic Architecture, Makassar, Medicine, Therapy, Thibbun Nabawi</em><em>. </em></p>2024-12-06T03:57:47+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ovy Uniarti Ananda, Alfiah, Mukhlishah Sam Konsep Arsitektur Mozaik Pada Desain Islamic Center Di Kabupaten Wakatobi2024-12-09T04:55:06+00:00Rahmat Saleh[email protected]Wasilah Sahabuddin[email protected]Suci Qadriana Ramadhani[email protected]<p><strong>Abstrak</strong>_ Islamic Center adalahpsebuah lembaga atau fasilitas yang dikelola oleh umat Islam untuk menyediakan berbagai layanan dan kegiatan keagamaan, pendidikan, dan sosial bagi komunitas Muslim di suatu daerah atau kota. Islamic Center seringkali menjadi pusat kegiatan keagamaan, seperti shalat berjamaah, pengajian, kajian kitab suci, dan pelatihan agama. Islamic center perlu dibangun didaerah Wakatobi terutama di Kecamatan Tomia yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam. Kehadiran Islamic Center dapat menjadi wadah untuk melakukan kegiatan- kegiatan keagamaan, pendidikan ataupun kegiatan sosial agama islam. Arsitektur yang diterapkan pada bangunan nantinya adalah Arsitektur Mozaik. Arsitektur Mozaik memberikan kekayaan warna dan desain geometris yang kompleks, dapat menciptakan suatu atmosfer yang penuh keindahan dan keagungan, sejalan dengan nilai-nilai estetika dalam <br>seni Islam. Selain itu, mozaik juga dapat menjadi medium untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan keagamaan dan budaya, seperti kaligrafi Arab atau simbol-simbol Islam yang khas. Arsitektur mozaik yang diterapkan pada bangunan lebih ditekankan pada bagian tampak bangunan terutama pada eksterior yang merupakan point of view dari bangunan mozaik. Fasad bangunan dibentuk penyusunan material Concrete block yang memiliki bentuk dasar potongan-potongan berupa pixel yang kemudian disusun membentuk sebuah kaligrafi dari kalimat syahadat.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong> Mozaik; Islamic Center; Kabupaten Wakatobi</p> <p> </p> <p><em><strong>Abstract</strong>_ An Islamic Center is an institution or facility managed by Muslims to provide various religious, educational and social services and activities for the Muslim community in an area or city. Islamic Centers are often centers for religious activities, such as congregational prayers, recitations, holy book studies, and religious training. An Islamic center needs to be built in the Wakatobi area, especially in Tomia District, where the majority of the population is Muslim. The presence of an Islamic Center can be a forum for carrying out Islamic religious, educational or social activities. The architecture applied to the building will be Mosaic Architecture. Mosaic architecture provides rich colors and complex geometric designs, which can create an atmosphere full of beauty and grandeur, in line with the aesthetic values of Islamic art. Apart from that, mosaics can also be a medium for conveying religious and cultural messages, such as Arabic calligraphy or typical Islamic symbols. Mosaic architecture applied to buildings places more emphasis on the visible part of the building, especially on the exterior which is the point of view of the mosaic building. The facade of the building is made of concrete block material which has the basic shape of pieces in the form of pixels which are then arranged to form a calligraphy of the creed.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keyword</strong>: Mozaic; Islamic Ceter; Wakatobi District</em></p>2024-12-06T08:28:40+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmat Saleh, Wasilah Sahabuddin, Suci Qadriana Ramadhani Arsitektur Berkelanjutan pada Kawasan Agrowisata Durian di Desa Bulo, Polewali Mandar2024-12-09T07:46:25+00:00Alyfiah Annisa Zalzabila[email protected]Fahmyddin A'raaf Tauhid[email protected]Andi Hildayanti[email protected]<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>_ The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the tourism sector, even though this sector is one of the main contributors to Indonesia's economy. Bulo Village, located in Bulo District, Polewali Mandar Regency, has great potential for the development of an agro-tourism area. Geographically, this village is located in a mountainous area with an area of durian plantations covering approximately 200 hectares, which is the main attraction. However, to develop this potential into an attractive tourist destination, many aspects still need improvement, both in terms of infrastructure and the management of natural and human resources. Therefore, this research aims to design an agrotourism area in Bulo Village with a sustainable architecture approach that considers the balance between environmental, economic, and social aspects. The method used in this research is a sustainable architectural design approach, which focuses on the efficient use of natural resources without damaging the local ecosystem. The results of this design are expected to contribute to the development of an environmentally friendly agro-tourism area, support the local economy, and improve the social welfare of the village community</em><strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Agrotoursm; Sustainable Architecture; Polewali Mandar.</em></p>2024-12-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alyfiah Annisa Zalzabila, Fahmyddin A'raaf Tauhid, Andi Hildayanti Akademi Sepak Bola Berbasis Arsitektur High-Tech di Kabupaten Sinjai2024-12-10T07:27:18+00:00Muhammad Zuhri Arifin[email protected]Marwati Marwati[email protected]Irma Rahayu[email protected]<p>PERSSIN, the main football club of Sinjai Regency in eastern South Sulawesi, has been established since 1970. Although the people in this area are very fond of football, the lack of sports facilities hinders their progress. As part of the 2020 work plan of the Sinjai Regency Youth and Sports Office, it will be very important to build a football academy that can assist in education and training from an early age. The focus of this research is on how high architectural concepts can be applied in the design of a football academy in Sinjai Regency. The aim of this research is to utilize advancements in science and technology to create innovative, effective, and sustainable designs. The methods used include literature research on advanced architectural principles as well as space needs analysis that supports the training and development of young athletes. The research results show that the application of advanced ideas can produce facilities that are modern, efficient, and adaptive to technological advancements, which will enhance the quality of training and support the achievement of football accomplishments in the region.</p>2024-12-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Zuhri Arifin, Marwati, Irma Rahayu Creative Center dengan Konsep Arsitektur Kontemporer2024-12-27T08:35:23+00:00Aswar Hidayat[email protected]Ratriana Said[email protected]Nuryuningsih Nuryuningsih[email protected]<p><strong><em>Abstract_</em></strong><em>Contemporary architecture is an interesting subject because of its unique blend of modern aesthetics and functionality. This article aims to explore the characteristics and design principles contained in contemporary architecture, focusing on creative center buildings in Makassar. The results of analysis suggest that contemporary architecture refers to the concept of demonstrating a form of architectural work that occurs today by describing freedom of expression and prioritizing modern visual impressions with the use of eco-friendly materials.</em> <em>The Creative Center is the foundation of important elements in the empowerment of creative communities and cultural development in various cities. This article aims to investigate the role and impact of the Creative Center as a platform for collaborating creatively, innovating in business economic growth. Through various analysis of technological advancement factors in executing building design, the Creation Center focuses on developing the concept of technological advancement in the present era by applying it to facade and material use. The study used several stages, namely field surveys, literature studies, and the comparative study affected various potentials and supporting factors. The results of this study are expected to provide a conceptual foundation in developing architectural solutions in the present era by following technological advances and providing employment opportunities for people, accommodating a wide range of creative ideas. Thus, the concept of contemporary architecture applied can provide building planning in accordance with the standards of creative center operators' needs.</em></p> <p><em> </em><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Contemporary Architecture;Creative Center; Technology</em></p>2024-12-10T08:47:50+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Aswar Hidayat, Ratriana SaidI, Nuryuningsih Arsitektur Smart Building pada Gedung Pemadam Kebakaran Modern di Kabupaten Bone2024-12-30T09:32:18+00:00Andi Nurauliah Fatimah[email protected]Nursyam Nursyam[email protected]Rahmiani Rahim[email protected]<p><em>The fire department building is a building that has sophisticated technology. It takes technologies to help users in it. Users in this case are firefighters who must be required to have high mobility when receiving a report of a fire incident. Starting from the speed of receiving information, the speed of the officers in preparing the tools and equipment, going in and out of the building easily without being hampered by anything. Of course the building must have good technologies. As time goes by, which is now increasingly sophisticated and modern, the fire department building that is needed is a building that can provide sophisticated facilities, so that firefighters can carry out their duties to the fullest. Building design that has intelligent building capabilities where the management and control of electronic infrastructure operations in the building is carried out automatically. Therefore in this design the approach used is smart building. Smart building is a technology integration system with building installations that allows all devices in building facilities to be designed and programmed according to needs, wishes, and centralized automatic control or IBMS (Integrated Building Management system).</em></p>2024-12-11T08:27:53+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Nurauliah Fatimah, Nursyam, Rahmiani Rahim Arsitektur Perilaku Pada Perancangan Panti Wreda di Kabupaten Majene2024-12-27T08:44:40+00:00Lutfi Lutfi[email protected]Zulkarnain AS [email protected]Nursyam Nursyam[email protected]<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>_ </em>The increasing number of elderly people in Indonesia each year presents a significant challenge for both the government and society. One of the issues arising from this demographic shift is the growing population of neglected elderly individuals, categorized as part of the social welfare problem (PMKS), who require special attention to ensure they have a decent quality of life. Therefore, designing a safe and comfortable residential facility for neglected elderly individuals is crucial. This study aims to design a housing facility that meets these needs, providing a dignified living space while supporting the well-being of the elderly. The research employs an architectural design approach, analyzing the spatial requirements suitable for neglected elderly people while considering safety and comfort factors. The results indicate that the proposed design can provide spaces that meet the physical and psychological needs of the elderly, while also emphasizing accessibility and security. According to data from the Social Services Office of Majene Regency, the number of neglected elderly individuals was recorded at 172 in 2019, 128 in 2020, and increased to 279 in 2021, highlighting the urgent need for residential facilities for neglected elderly people.</p>2024-12-12T08:58:13+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lutfi, Zulkarnain AS , Nursyam Arsitektur Berkelanjutan pada Desain Sekolah Alam di Polewali Mandar2024-12-27T08:41:16+00:00Muhammad Alfiansyah[email protected]Alfiah Alfiah[email protected]Sudarman Abdullah[email protected]<p><em>Natural schools are one of the alternative education models developing in Indonesia, different from the conventional education system. This approach aims to help students grow into individuals who have good morals. In contrast to conventional schools which tend to focus on learning in the classroom, natural schools encourage students to learn more outdoors by utilizing learning strategies that are fun and action-oriented. Through this direct learning approach, students at natural schools become more enthusiastic and enthusiastic in the learning process, which makes them less likely to get bored. The aim of this paper is to design a Natural School by utilizing the concept of sustainable architecture, with a focus on lighting, air circulation, and the use of environmentally friendly materials in building design. The research method used is a qualitative method, which aims to describe the potential for sustainable natural school development from an environmentally friendly perspective. The discussion process begins with data collection, which is then analyzed and synthesized to form a design concept. Data collection was carried out through qualitative descriptive methods. The results of this design include the implementation of sustainable architectural concepts with a focus on lighting efficiency and the use of environmentally friendly materials in the school building.</em></p>2024-12-13T05:25:44+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Alfiansyah, Alfiah, Sudarman Abdullah Arsitektur Dekonstruksi pada Perancangan Makassar Creative Hub2025-01-09T01:09:57+00:00Asyraful Anam[email protected]Irma Rahayu[email protected]Burhanuddin Amin[email protected]<p>Deconstruction architecture has become a controversial style with varying opinions about its unconventional nature. This concept emerged in response to the boredom and fatigue of existing modern architecture and is currently being applied in the design of Creative Hub buildings in the modern era to avoid the monotony of typical geometries. The application of Deconstruction architecture in performance buildings is considered suitable as a means to illustrate the principles of deconstruction architecture in the modern context. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method and collects data through a literature study related to Deconstruction architecture. The analysis results show that Creative Hub adopts the concept of Deconstruction architecture by applying principles such as hybrid forms (combination of forms), form complexity, aesthetics and ornamentation, strong symbolism, disorder, disharmony, the use of metaphors, distortion, and contrast in its design."<br><br></p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Asyraful Anam, Irma Rahayu, Burhanuddin Amin Healing Environment untuk Rumah Sakit Perawatan Pasien Covid-19 di Makassar2024-12-27T09:08:58+00:00Fajari Mustafa[email protected]Marwati Marwati[email protected]Burhanuddin Amin[email protected]<p><strong><em>Abstract_</em></strong><em>Health is a crucial aspect of urban development and human resource advancement. According to Indonesia's Health Law No. 9 of 1960 and the 1975 WHO definition, health encompasses physical, mental, and social well-being. The city of Makassar faces significant challenges in providing healthcare services, particularly with the growing demand for hospital referrals. The Covid-19 pandemic, caused by the Coronavirus, was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 and rapidly spread worldwide, including to Indonesia. This pandemic necessitated mitigation measures, including social restrictions as outlined in Government Regulation No. 21 of 2020. This study aims to design a specialized hospital for Covid-19 patients in Makassar, applying a healing environment architectural approach. The research methodology includes site analysis, primary and secondary data collection, and synthesis of concepts based on design elements that support patient recovery. The results show a hospital design incorporating natural lighting, optimal ventilation, and integration of natural elements, which enhance patients' physical and psychological comfort and accelerate the healing process.</em></p>2024-12-24T07:48:53+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fajari Mustafa, Marwati, Burhanuddin Amin