This study examines the process of producing live broadcasts (live report). The aim is to find out the stages of the live broadcast production process (live report) and further describe related factors inhibiting live broadcast production (live report) tvOne Makassar bureau. The informants in this study were the head of the Makassar TVOne Bureau, the coverage coordinator as well as the program producer, Reporter, Cameraman and Program Director. The results of the research showed the live broadcast production process of the TVOne Makassar Bureau through three stages, firstly pre-production, secondly the production process, and the third, post-production.This study examines the process of producing live broadcasts (live report). The aim is to find out the stages of the live broadcast production process (live report) and further describe related factors inhibiting live broadcast production (live report) tvOne Makassar bureau. The informants in this study were the head of the Makassar TVOne Bureau, the coverage coordinator as well as the program producer, Reporter, Cameraman and Program Director. The results of the research showed the live broadcast production process of the TVOne Makassar Bureau through three stages, firstly pre-production, secondly the production process, and the third, post-production.References
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Sumber Internet :, pada tanggal 14 juni 2019, pukul 20.30 juli 2019 pukul 20.47 wita. Ilmu Komunikasi (JIK) UPN "Veteran" Yogyakartadiakses tanggal 25 juli 2019 pukul 13.32 wita. Komunikasi Islam (JKI) Univ. Islam Sunan Ampel Sby (UINSA)diakses tanggal 25 juli 2019 pukul 13.56. KOMUNITI: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Teknologi Informasi (UNMUH Surakarta) diakses tanggal 25 juli 2019 pukul 13.56 wita.
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