Washiyah : Jurnal Kajian Dakwah dan Komunikasi 2024-08-18T09:06:26+00:00 Irwan Misbach [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Washiyah Journal is a scientific publication for research topics and studies on communication and da'wah. <br>The form of publication that we receive will be reviewed by reviewers who have a concentration in the field of Communication, specifically Da'wah and Communication. We publish this journal fourth a year, in March, June September, and December. The Washyah Journal first appeared in the printed and OJS version in 2020. This journal is managed by the Washiyah journal team under the Da'wah and Communication Faculty of Alauddin Islamic University in Makassar.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> ANALISIS FRAMING PEMBERITAAN ISU CHILDFREE PADA MEDIA ONLINE DETIK.COM 2024-08-14T07:42:59+00:00 NURUL MANJAGA [email protected] SYAMSIDAR [email protected] HARTINA SANUSI [email protected] <p><em>The focus of this research is to examine how frames reporting related to the child-free issue during February 2023. Additionally, it aims to understand the bias in reporting the child-free issue on online media. </em><em>The type of research used is qualitative descriptive with a data management method of framing analysis. The framing analysis used in this study is based on Robert M. Entman's model, which includes four elements: define the problem, diagnose causes, make moral judgments, and treatment recommendations. </em><em>The results of this study indicate that: 1)'s framing of the child-free issue emphasizes defining the problem by including responses from key figures related to the issue, such as the head of BKKBN and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. The reporting aims to show disapproval of the childfree lifestyle choice. provides strong reasons from various perspectives, including health and religious impacts. Additionally, also offers solution recommendations for individuals who wish to delay having children or discuss with their partners. 2) tends to provide reporting that is against the childfree lifestyle choice, involving figures like the head of BKKBN, Ma'ruf Amin, and Luqman Hakim highlighting the importance of having offspring in marriage. Out of the five news articles presented, most of them oppose childfree. Therefore,'s bias in reporting on the childfree issue is to provide responses that disagree with that choice. </em><em>The implications of this research are that and researchers share the same hope to improve the quality of reporting in online media. is expected to continue committing to delivering messages clearly, providing necessary clarifications, and ensuring the presence of relevant and competent sources in every report. Meanwhile, researchers suggest that future studies be more selective in choosing significant and impactful news to provide more relevant and beneficial analysis, especially in the context of framing analysis in online media reporting. By focusing on news that has a significant impact on society, it is hoped that understanding and the quality of information presented can be enhanced.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Washiyah : Jurnal Kajian Dakwah dan Komunikasi ANALISIS RESEPSI MASYARAKAT KELURAHAN TOMPOTIKKA KECAMATAN WARA KOTA PALOPO TERHADAP ISU POLITIK PILPRES 2024 PADA PEMBERITAAN METRO TV 2024-08-14T11:26:10+00:00 M. IRSA MAHESA [email protected] ABDUL HALIK [email protected] RAHMAWATI HARUNA [email protected] <p><em>This research discusses the reception of the village community Tompotikka regarding reporting on political issues in the presidential election on Metro TV. The objective of this research is to identify the acceptance of the village community Tompotikka regarding reporting on political issues in the presidential election on Metro TV news</em></p> <p><em>This research uses a qualitative approach using the reception analysis method. Reception analysis is carried out in two stages, namely text analysis using Teun Van Dijk's model of critical discourse analysis knowing the trend in the content of Metro TV news texts regarding political issues 2024 Presidential Election. The second stage, reception analysis of Stuart's encoding and decoding Hall model, is to determine the position of audience acceptance of the reporting text Political issues for the 2024 Presidential Election on Metro TV news. Source of data in analysis The text of this research is the text of the Metro TV report on the program "Primetime News” edition &nbsp;The data collection technique for text analysis is using an analysis document, the data used is Teun van Dijk's data analysis model analyze text based on text dimensions, social cognition, and social context. </em><em>The results of text analysis in this research describe the message delivered by Metro TV to the public regarding the political issue of the 2024 Presidential Election. Based on two reports that have been analyzed in text analysis from This research, Responding to this, the five informants tended to be different in responding to the political issues of the 2024 Presidential Election which is made possible by the existence of a diversity of cultural backgrounds, education, environment and experience that they have. The results of the reception analysis showed that the five informants In interpreting the message conveyed, tend to be in a dominant position hegemonic, namely fully agreeing with the message conveyed by Metro Tv, as well as the negotiated position which is the condition in which the informant accepted part of Metro Tv's news text and rejected its application part of the text of the announcement that was broadcast. In this study, no informants are in an oppositional position and are changing meaningfully contained in the text reporting political issues in the 2024 Presidential Election.</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Washiyah : Jurnal Kajian Dakwah dan Komunikasi STRATEGI REDAKSI FAJAR.CO.ID DALAM MENARIK PEMBACA DENGAN PENGGUNAAN CLICKBAIT PADA RUBRIK VIRAL 2024-08-18T09:06:26+00:00 HENI HANDAYANI [email protected] FIRDAUS MUHAMMAD [email protected] ANDI FAUZIAH ASTRID [email protected] <p>This research aims to find out the application of clickbait in the viral rubric at and the editorial policy regarding clickbait titles in's viral rubric. This research falls into the category of qualitative research by applying the case study analysis method. Data management and evaluation methods involve data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. A document study is a data source that includes material from specific documents. In addition, the tools used in this study involved smartphones and laptops as test or validation tools. The number of informants involved in the context of this study was five people, consisting of four individuals from the website editing group (including a chief editor, two editors, and a reporter) and an expert informant who is also the Litigation Division of LBH Pers Makassar. The results showed that 1) The application of clickbait headlines in the viral section at has several concepts, namely, exaggeration, teasing, inflammatory, and the use of excessive punctuation in headlines. The application of clickbait in the rubric at clickbait is now a current demand because it is related to their income. &nbsp;2). The editorial provisions regarding clickbait titles on viral rubrics at are that the editorial staff conducts news planning by discussing something viral on social media that directly gives the issue. Then, make a title that can attract readers while still following journalistic rules. Furthermore, reporters conduct coverage by looking for additional data on the issues being worked on from social media. From that planning, the reporter develops it into news.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Washiyah : Jurnal Kajian Dakwah dan Komunikasi