Brand is considered has no distinguising features (incapable of becoming distinctive), if the sign is too simple or too complicated. general (generic) or have become public property (public domain) same with a descriptive brand. The brand can not be registered because it has no differentator power or weak differentiator even.
Keywords: generic, public domain, descriptive, differentiator, brand
Merek dianggap tidak memiliki daya pembeda (incapable of becoming distinctive), apabila tanda tersebut terlalu sederhana ataupun terlalu rumit . bersifat umum (generic) ataupun telah menjadi milik umum (public domain) Demikian halnya merek yang bersifat descriptive. Merek.merek tersebut tidak dapat didaftarkan karena samasekali tidak mempunyai daya pembeda atau lemah daya pembedanya.
Kata Kunci : generic, public domain, descriptive, daya pembeda, merek
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