Execution decision necessarily well often cause problems related to the rules that govern which SEMA and execution in the field. SEMA has set the terms of the petition immediately. However, in reality the obstacles in the form obscurity verdict, denial and resistance defendant execution, as well as objects related disputes are often encountered in the field. Therefore, the agency's execution necessarily need to be reviewed and rules related to implementation in order not to cause problems for the people and the court
Keywords: Execution, Decision Necesarily
Eksekusi putusan serta merta sering menimbulkan masalah baik terkait aturan yang mengaturnya yaitu SEMA maupun pelaksanaan eksekusi di lapangan. SEMA telah mengatur syarat-syarat permohonan eksekusi serta-merta. Namun, dalam kenyataannya hambatan berupa ketidakjelasan amar putusan, penolakan dan perlawanan termohon eksekusi, maupun terkait objek sengketa sering ditemui di lapangan. Oleh karena itu, lembaga eksekusi serta-merta ini perlu ditinjau ulang terkait aturan dan pelaksanaannya agar tidak menimbulkan permasalahan bagi masyarakat dan pihak pengadilan
Kata Kunci : Eksekusi, Putusan Serta-Merta
M. Yahya Harahap, 1989, Ruang Lingkup Permasalahan eksekusi Bidang Perdata, Jakarta : PT. Gramedia
Mariam Darus Badrulzaman, 2001, Kompilasi Hukum Perikatan, Bandung : Citra Aditya Bakti.
Pedoman Teknis Administrasi dan Teknis Peradilan Perdata Umum dan Perdata Khusus, Buku II, Edisi 2007, Jakarta : Mahkamah Agung RI.
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