The national development of legal insight is based on the principles of state law and legal insight that includes the development of the legal systen, the general draft of law policy, the implementation of law enforceable state, and the orientation of legal norms. The enforcement orientation must meet the requirements of legal material and law enforcement officers. Efforts to reform the material of national law must be in accordance with the needs of the times and in line with the development of the velues of community justice by socializing the material of national law through a real program and widely disseminated and suistainable so taht applicable legal norms are known, understood, recognized and accepted with awareness by every citizen.
Keywords: State of Law, National Development, Legal Insight
pembangunan nasional berwawasan hukum didasari oleh prinsip negara hukum dan wawasan hukum yang mencakup pembangunan sistem hukum, rancangan umum kebijakan hukum, penyelenggaran negara berwawasan hukum, dan orientasi norma hukum. Adapun orientasi penegakannya harus memenuhi syarat materi hukumnya dan aparat penegak hukum. Upaya pembaruan materi hukum nasional harus sesuai kebutuhan zaman dan sejalan dengan perkembangan nilai-nilai keadilan masyarakat dengan cara mensosialisasikan materi hukum nasional melalui suatu program nyata dan dimasyarakatkan secara luas dan berkesinambungan sehingga norma hukum yang berlaku diketahui, dimengerti, diakui, dan diterima dengan kesadaran oleh setiap warga negara.
Kata Kunci: Negara Hukum, Pembangunan Nasional, Wawasan Hukum
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