Author Guidelines
- The author should first register as an Author on the website of Al-Hikmah. Click the menu “register” to register as an author.
- Once the author is registered, please log in to the website of Al-Hikmah and submit the article through online submission (with the status of active submissions).
- The article should follow the standard template of Al-Hikmah provided on the website.
- The citation and bibliography should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) Style of the 7th edition.
- The author must cite papers published in the Al-Hikmah Jurnal.
- The author is restricted from sending his/her article to another journal before having confirmation from the editorial team (approximately 4 weeks after the article is submitted).
- The author should follow editorial decisions and recommendations regarding the article's completion. All reviews and assessments will be informed through online submission.
The title of the manuscript: The title should be concise, informative, and written clearly.
The introduction should briefly place the study in a broad context and highlight why it is important. It should define the objective of the paper and its significance. The current state of the research field should be reviewed carefully, and key publications cited. Please highlight controversial and diverging hypotheses when necessary. Finally, briefly mention the main aim of the work and highlight the principal conclusions. As far as possible, please keep the introduction comprehensible to scientists outside your particular field of research.
The method contains an explanation of the research approach, subjects of the study, the conduct of the research procedure, the use of materials and instruments, data collection, and analysis techniques. The research method is presented briefly to inform the selection of the study paradigm, research methods, and techniques.
Finding and Discussion: The results obtained from the research have to be supported by sufficient data. The research results and the discovery must be the answers, or the research hypothesis stated previously in the introduction part.
The conclusion should answer the objectives of the research and research discoveries. The concluding remark should not contain only the repetition of the results and discussions or abstract. Clearly state the answer to the main research question. Summarize and reflect on the research. Make recommendations for future studies on the topic and point out those that are underway. Show what new knowledge you have contributed.
References should be written according to the American Psychological Association (APA) Style of the 7th edition. The number of reference items is 20 in minimum. The article should include journal articles 80% of the total published in the current ten years. In the article, only six authors are included. When the number of authors for a reference item is more than six authors, the six first names should be written down, and “et al.” should be added for the other authors. We recommend preparing the references with a bibliography software package, such as Mendeley, EndNote, Reference Manager, or Zotero to avoid typing mistakes and duplicated references.