Teaching Literature in The Class
Teaching literature in the classroom emphasis on improving students ability through the presentation of extracts of novels and short stories through their literary development. In addition, the potential of literary texts carry for the students' critical ability development and personal growth. There are some forms of exercises that can be applied in the classroom by using all forms of literatureDownloads
Abrams, M. H. (1981) A Glossary of Literary Terms. Holt-Saunders International Editions:NewYork.
Bowen & Jonathan Marks.2010. Inside Teaching. www.teachingliterature.org (retrieved on 27th June 2010)
Carter, R. and M. Long (1991) Teaching Literature. London: Longman. www.teachingliterature.org (retrieved 27th June 2010)
Collie, J. and S. Slater (1987) Literature in the Language Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. www.teachingliterature.org (retrieved 27th June 2010).
Gill, Richard. 1995. Mastering English Literature. Macmillan Ltd: England.
Stanford, Judith. 2003. Responding to Literature: Stories, Poems, Plays, Essays. Mc Graw Hill: America.