Perbandingan Kualitas Patient Engagement Pada Empat Pelayanan Spesialis Dasar Di RSUD Haji Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
This research aimed to describe and compare the patient engagement quality of the four basic specialist services in the in-patient installation in Haji Local General Hospital of South Sulawesi Province. This research was a comparative descriptive research. The research sample comprised the group respondents of in-patients the four basic specialist services. The result of the research revealed that patient engagement quality as perceived by the patients was categorized as good (73,9%); the patient engagement related to the doctor's capacity to listen to and encourage the patients to ask questions was categorized as good (78,4%); in making a decisions was not good (63,6%); the ability of the doctor to give and explain the information to patients was good (63,1%). The duration of consultation was good (56,8%); while the empathy given to the patients was categorized as good (83,5%). As for the quality of the patient engagement in the four sub-parts of the basic specialist services, the quality of the patient engagement was significantly different from one another (p=0,000).
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