Kitab Al-Risalah Imam Al-Syafi’i

  • Salmah Intan Dosen Fak. Ushuluddin UIN Alauddin


Imam Syafi’i as one of Islamic school founder has codificated an Islamic law philosophical formulation that was documented in a book named Ar-Risalah. This book contains a very detailed formulation of Islamic law philosophy. It envolves the global and general formula that can become a handbook for Moslem to know the law of Islam. The law source disclosed by Syafi’i refered to Al-Quran and Hadis. By this book, a faqih (an expert in Islamic law) can consider law conclution and decide a religious code in accordance with prophet’s teaching. 


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How to Cite
Intan, S. (2011). Kitab Al-Risalah Imam Al-Syafi’i. Al-Hikmah, 12(1), 85-101. Retrieved from
Volume 12 Number 1, 2011
Abstract viewed = 528 times