• Nurjannah Nurjannah Institut Agama Islam Muhammadiyah Sinjai



 Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan hasil eksplorasi metakognisi siswa terhadap pemecahan masalah matematika ditinjau dari gaya belajar (visual, auditorial, dan kinestetik). Subjek penelitian adalah tiga orang siswa kelas VI SD Negeri 286 Pasaka masing-masing bergaya belajar visual, auditorial dan kinestetik, berjenis kelamin perempuan, kemampuan matematika relatif sama, dan komunikasi baik. Metode pengumpulan datanya adalah metode tugas dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan mendasar antara aktivitas metakognisi ketiga subjek pada tahap pertama dan kedua. Aktivitasnya berupa membaca soal dengan seksama untuk mengetahui ide pokok soal dan mengorganisasikan ide pokok tersebut dengan menuliskannya pada lembar kerja kemudian mentransformasi pengetahuan ke dalam bentuk gambar.  Perbedaannya hanya terletak pada tahap ketiga yakni siswa visual dan kinestetik menjawab soal dengan jelas langkah demi lengkahnya, siswa kinestetik menjawab soal dengan sangat runtut dan penuh dengan penjabaran sehingga jawabannya panjang dan jelas, sedangkan siswa auditorial menjawab soal dengan jawaban singkat.


 This study was qualitative research that aimed at describing the results of the exploration of students' metacognisis on solving mathematical problems in terms of learning styles (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic). The subject of this study consisted of three students of grade sixth in 286 Pasaka Elementary School who had a visual learning style, auditory learning style and kinesthetic learning style. All of them were female sex with relatively similar mathematical abilities, and good communication skills. The data collected thorough assignment and interview. Based on the results of this study, it was found that basically there were no fundamental differences between the students’ metacognition activities of visual, auditorial and kinesthetic in the first and second stages. Their activities included understanding questions by carefully reading questions to find out the core or main idea of the problem and organizing the main ideas in the questions through the work written on the worksheet then transforming knowledge or knowledge based on the understanding gained in the form of images. The difference was found only in the third stage of metacognitive activity Visual and kinesthetic students answered the questions with standards and clearly step by step, kinesthetic students answered the questions very closely and were full of translation so the answers were complete and clear while auditory students only answered the questions with short answers.



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How to Cite
Nurjannah, N. (2019). EKSPLORASI METAKOGNISI TERHADAP PEMECAHAN MASALAH MATEMATIKA DITINJAU DARI GAYA BELAJAR SISWA. AULADUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Islam, 6(1), 78-89. https://doi.org/10.24252/auladuna.v6i1a9.2019
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