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Author Guidelines


The draft is submitted in file microsoft word and manuscript is an original research paper.


The rules for writing the journal EcceS: Economics, Social, and Development Studies are as follows:

  1. Articles must be original writings, are the results of research or studies in the field of applied economics and have never been published in any media. 
  2. Begin in 2020, all accepted manuscripts are only in English.
  3. The manuscript should be submitted through the Online Submission System using Open Journal System (OJS). Ecces does not accept manuscript submission via email. 
  4. The manuscript must be free from any instances of plagiarism. The editorial board will promptly reject any content that displays plagiarism.
  5. Author(s) is required to complete profile metadata, specifically on affiliation, email correspondence or Orcid ID.
  6. The manuscript should be supplemented by an ethical clearance and authorship statement
  7. Author(s) should download the journal template HERE as it can help to follow the journal layout
  8. The manuscript is typed in Ms Word, 1.5 spacing, 11 font size, Tahoma letters, with a minimum length of 20-25 pages (A4) including references.
  9. We recommend that you use a reference management tool such as Mendeley or others. Use Harvard Style 10th style for references.


The manuscript should be structured in the following sequence: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and References. These primary headings are to be presented in uppercase bold letters. The manuscript is expected to adhere to this prescribed format:

TITLE. The title not exceeded 20 words, font size Tahoma 18, bold, one space, capitalize each word, effective tittle, convey the main topics, highlight the importance aspect of the research.

Full name, without title, name of affiliation (Department, Faculty, University, email address). The corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*) after the name. 

ABSTRACT. Title of Abstract use (Tahoma, 14 Pt, Bold). Content of abstract use Tahoma 11, space 1. Abstract that is not more than 300 words and typed in one space containing the state the research objectives and purposes, the benefits, novelty statement (the newness of the researched study), and future impact (written after novelty), research methods such as the type and research approach, the study population/sample or research informants, sampling techniques (if any), and data analysis techniques, All research findings/results are included in this section as succinctly and clearly as possible and include research implications.

KEYWORDS. Writing keywords is a maximum of 5 words, separated by semicolons (;). Use specific, accurate, and relevant keywords to the research topic, and consider using keywords that can help readers find your manuscript easily.

INTRODUCTION. The introductory section contains the background of this paper should be outlined clearly, including its objectives and benefits, relevant literature on the research subject, and the approach to be used. The introduction is divided into several subsections, including the general background, problem statement, objectives and benefits, and scope.  In this section, provide a clear and systematic overview of research results from previous studies relevant to this research. Present strong arguments that make this paper interesting to read. This section also contains the research gap and novelty statement in relation to other studies. Subsequently, discuss the future impact of your research, referring to the understanding and analysis of how the current findings can influence or contribute to future changes or improvements. Express this concisely to strengthen the papers argument. Prior studies should be highly relevant to the paper, serving as valid and reliable primary sources. Conclude this section by emphasizing the purpose and intent behind this paper.

LITERATURE REVIEW. The theoretical and literature review section, sentences that seem definite, which are common do not need to be written down. If you really need writing or linking with a concept / theory, it should be written directly in the discussion section. This section includes the theoretical foundation, and the writing technique for the theoretical foundation should follow a style of juxtaposition and theoretical confrontation. Include supporting theories (thesis), conflicting theories (antithesis), and conclude with a theoretical synthesis that illustrates the common thread between the supporting and conflicting theories. In this section, incorporate grand theories, not only previous research.

METHODS. The method is applied to solve various issues, encompassing analytical techniques. This section elaborates on the methodologies employed in resolving the research problems. Provide a comprehensive description of the research location, the number of sample respondents and informants, the data processing methods for observations, interviews, or questionnaires, and how the results are measured and analyzed. If using secondary data, please specify the number of years of time series data or panel data utilized. Commonly used methods need not be detailed but can be referenced to the appropriate sources. The methods used should be properly cited. Experiment procedures should be written in the form of news sentences rather than imperative statements. Every equation should be numbered, and explanations of symbols in equations should be presented in a descriptive paragraph format, not as itemized lists as seen in books. Formulas used must be cited from original sources.

RESULTS. This section can be arranged based on the variables/objectives and the information found during the research. The results include an explanation of the contents of the table or a picture as a description.  

DISCUSSION. The results and discussion should include at least: (1) What/How Element: In the results section, present data that has been processed (not raw data), presented in the form of a table or figure (choose one), and accompanied by easily understandable captions. Describe the findings but avoid discussing them in this section. (2). Why Element: In the discussion section, establish the connection between the obtained results and the fundamental concepts and/or hypotheses. The discussion should be supported by clear and factual evidence, and the causes of the findings should be explained. (3). What Else Element: Additionally, interesting findings beyond the main objectives of the study should be highlighted. (4). Comparison: Is there agreement or disagreement with the findings of other researchers?

CONCLUSION. The conclusion section, answers the problems and research objectives, or can also produce a new concept, based on existing facts and analysis. It's best not to be impressed to discuss it again in the conclusion. This section is crafted to be as clear as possible and encompasses research implications or specific policy recommendations. The conclusion consists of a single descriptive paragraph, without bullet points or numbering.

REFERENCES. Use a reference management tool such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, and the like when citing manuscripts. Use Harvard Style 10th edition or above in citing. There are at least 30 references, 80% from reputable international journals (Springer/Elsevier/Wiley Online Library/Taylor and Francis/Pubmed), and 20% from books/reports of institutions and nationally accredited journals. All references should be up to 5 years from the date of article submission.