About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Higiene: Environmental Health Journal is a scientific publication published every 4 months, accepting manuscripts in the form of original articles or research papers (main priority), literature reviews, case reports, lectures and editorials relevant to the environmental health field. Manuscripts submitted are manuscripts that have not been published. All submitted manuscripts will be selected using a peer review system.

Higiene: Environmental Health Journal publishes manuscripts on all aspects of environmental health, public health related to environmental exposures and impacts, as well as studies related to environmental toxicology and epidemiology.

This journal is intended for professionals, scientists, and practitioners to facilitate the exchange of ideas, experiences, practices and research findings that focus on environmental health sciences that focus on health, human well-being and related environmental aspects in it.

Priority will be given to articles in environmental health studies, public health aspects related to environmental exposure, personal hygiene, epidemiological aspects of environmental health, environmental toxicology, environmental health risk analysis, biomonitoring and environmental-related infections.


Peer Review Process

Articles published in the Higiene Journal are reviewed by Mitra Bebestari (Reviewer) before being published. The decision to accept or not an article manuscript is made by the Chief Editor in the Editorial Council Session forum based on recommendations or comments from Bebestari Partners (Reviewers). Plagiarism screening of manuscripts entered in this journal is carried out with the help of Google Scholar or the Turnitin application.


Publishing Frequency

Higiene: Environmental Health Journal is published 3 times per year in April, August and December


Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access which in principle makes research freely available to the public and will support the largest global exchange of knowledge.