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Author Guidelines

  1. The word count in this article is between 3,000 – 10,000 words (including bibliography).
  2. Attach a statement that the article has not been published before, anywhere and in any form.
  3. Each article will go through a plagiarism check using the Turnitin app. If the article has more than 40% similarity, it will be returned to the author.
  4. This article is presented with the following components:

    Title: Article Title Maximum 15 words, typed with Times New Roman 14pt, Bold, 1.15 space, Capitalize Each Word, and the middle edge.

    Author Name: The author's name is typed in Times New Roman 12pt, 1.15 space, Capitalize Each Word, middle edge, without title, and may not be abbreviated. Under the name, write the name of the institution and the author's email address, typed in Times New Roman 10pt, Italic, 1 space, Capitalize Each Word, middle edge.

    Abstract: Abstract typed in Times New Roman 10pt, Italic, 1 space, Sentence case, right and left edge, consisting of 100 – 250 words, one paragraph, without references, without abbreviations/acronyms, and without footnotes. Abstract is written not in the form of mathematics, questions, and conjectures. Abstract contains: research objectives, research methods, research results and conclusions.

    Keywords: Use words or phrases that specifically describe the content of the article, keywords separated by commas (,), a maximum of 5 words.

    INTRODUCTION: Introduction is typed with Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, 1.5 space, UPPERCASE and left edge. The body of the manuscript is typed with Times New Roman 12pt, 1.15 space, Sentence case, and right and left edges. Contains a background described in a state of the art, consisting of at least 2 previous literature/study so that this research can show the novelty of the research. This research is able to overcome a problem, urgency and demonstrate rationality through: description of activities; literature review; problem-solving plans and hypothesis development; GAP analysis; problem solution; the novelty of science; primary source references; outlines the objectives and hypotheses at the end of the introduction. The formulation of the problem is entered in the introduction which must be described in the form of paragraphs with a strong research basis.

    RESEARCH METHODS: This research method describes the types of legal research, data collection techniques, and data analysis methods that will be used as scientific processes/rules to produce research data/results.

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The analysis and discussion contains a description of the research results based on the problem that is the focus of the research. If in this analysis and discussion there are things that need to be further classified and elaborated based on the research problem, the author can use/add sub-chapters. This analysis and discussion can be supplemented by tables, figures, and/or graphs where the content is numbered and title is given. The results of data analysis must be described correctly. The discussion section presents research findings logically, links to relevant reference sources (national and international journals), GAP analysis, scientific novelties/findings are clearly described, comparison of research findings (references) with reference sources (national and international journals) which is relevant.

    CONCLUSION: The conclusion contains the results/findings and brief ideas/suggestions based on the problem that is the focus of the research, or the results of the conceptual approach. The conclusion is made in 1 (one) paragraph by combining the results/findings and ideas/suggestions.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Add if required by author. An acknowledgment is a thank you to the author's home institution, and/or an institution that has contributed greatly (whether morally, or materially) to the author's writing.

    REFERENCES: Must include at least 10 references with a maximum publication date of the last 10 years. The proportion of references at least 50% comes from journal articles (e-ISSN), as well as 50% from other reference sources. Do not use sources with the nature of blogs and Wikipedia. References are written in the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition citation style. All references in the manuscript must be included in the bibliography, and listed in alphabetical order. References in the manuscript must use footnotes.
  5. The manuscript is typed in Microsoft Office Word, A4 paper size, with a paper format of 2.54 cm (Left – Top – Right – Bottom), and portrait orientation