• Sri Rahma UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Muhammad Yaasiin Raya Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar



Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana Tinjauan Hukum Ekonomi Islam Terhadap Praktek Tanam Bulu Mata (Eyelash Extension) di Salon Rianty Lina Kecematan Sape Kabupaten Bima. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecematan Sape kabupaten Bima di salon rianty lina dengan melakukan wawancara langsung terhadap pemilik salon serta penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitantif dengan pendekatan normatif (syar’i). Tehnik pengelolaan dan analisis data dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yakni redaksi data penyajian data, dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini antara lain: 1). Praktik dan penggunaa eyelash extension mengunakan alat dan bahan tertentu. Proses pemasangannya menempelkan bulu mata helai perhelai ke kelopak mata menggunakan lem khusus eyelash extension bersifat semi permenanen yang memiliki ketahan 1 bulan atau lebih tergatung cara perawatan dari pelanggan itu sendiri. 2). Penggunaan eyelash extension haram hukumnya karena ada beberapa ulama yang mengharamkan menyambung rambutnya denga eyelash extension. ini termasuk dalam mengubah ciptaan Allah Swt. Adanya larangan yang mana terbagi dua yaitu berkaitan dengan adanya rasa tidak bersyukur atas ciptaan Allah Swt dan termasuk tabbaruj kerena berhias secara berlebihanan dan dilihat oleh Mahramnya. Eyelash extension juga termasuk sesuatu yang bisa membahayakan diri sendiri. Implikasi penelitian antara lain para kaum hawa agar lebih mengetahui dampak atau efek dan apa manfaat yang penting bagi tubuh tampa harus menyakiti diri sendiri dan lebih mensyukuri apa yang telah diberikan oleh Allah Swt, lebih baik merawat dari pada mengubah ciptaan yang Allah Swt berikan kepada kita. salon kecantikan dalam memberikan pelayanan eyelash extension disesuiakan dengan syariat islam. Agar pekerjaan yang dilakukan dapat diridhoi oleh Allah Swt.

Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam, Praktik, Tanam Bulu Mata




The main problem in this study is How to Review Islamic Economic Law on the Practice of Eyelash Extension at Rianty Lina Salon, Sape District, Bima Regency. The main problem is divided into two sub-problems, namely: 1). How is the practice of planting eyelash extensions at the salon rianty lina kecematan sape bima regency? 2). How is the review of Islamic law on the practice of eyelash planting in the salon rianty lina kecematan sape bima regency.? This research was conducted in Sape District, Bima regency at the rianty lina salon by conducting direct interviews with salon owners and this research used qualitative research methods with a normative approach (syar'i). Data management and analysis techniques are carried out through three stages, namely data redaction, data presentation, and conclusion making. The results obtained from this study include: 1). The practice and use of eyelash extensions using certain tools and materials. The installation process attaches eyelashes strands to the eyelids using special glue eyelash extensions are semi-permenanene which have a durability of 1 month or more depending on the treatment method of the customer himself. 2). The use of eyelash extensions is illegal because there are some scholars who forbid connecting their hair with eyelash extensions. This includes changing the creation of Allah Almighty. The prohibition which is divided into two is related to the existence of ingratitude for the creation of Allah Almighty and includes tabbaruj because it is excessively decorated and seen by its Mahram. Eyelash extensions also include something that can harm yourself. The implications of the research include: 1). How women in order to better know the effects or effects and what benefits are important for the body should not hurt themselves and be more grateful for what has been given by Allah SWT, it is better to care than to change the creation that Allah SWT has given us. 2). How beauty salons provide eyelash extension services are in accordance with Islamic law. So that the work done can be recognized by Allah Almighty.

Keywords: Islamic Law, Practice, Eyelash Planting

Volume 4 Nomor 4 Juli 2023
Abstract viewed = 232 times