• Fitria Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Hadi Daeng Mapuna
  • Sippah Chotban



Jual beli yang dilakukan dengan sistem arisan di Desa Boneoge salah satunya dengan cara mengikuti arisan. Jual beli dengan sistem arisan lebih meringankan konsumen dalam bertransaksi, karena para konsumen lebih memilih menyisihkan uangnya setiap bulan secara bersama-sama. Dalam jual beli sistem arisan, barang yang akan dibeli tidak langsung didapatkan sebab harus menunggu giliran (nama urutan pertama lebih dahulu mendapatkan barang) untuk mendapatkan barang yang di arisan kan. Sedangkan jual beli secara tunai maupun kredit, barang yang dibeli sudah bisa langsung didapatkan. Tetapi, dalam jual beli sistem arisan terkadang owner dihadapkan dengan peserta arisan yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Rumusan masalah dalam yaitu: Bagaimana jual beli dengan sistem arisan di Desa Boneoge Kabupaten Buton Tengah dan bagaimana ketentuan hukum ekonomi syariah terhadap praktik jual beli dengan sistem arisan. Penelitian ini bersifat tinjauan lapangan (field research) dan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Jual beli dengan sistem arisan di Desa Boneoge Kabupaten Buton Tengah hukumnya boleh (mubah) karena jual beli dengan sistem arisan tidak mengandung riba. Ketua dan peserta arisan sama-sama merasakan manfaat dari jual beli dengan sistem arisan tersebut dan adanya sifat tolong menolong. Namun tidak ada perjanjian secara tertulis, tetapi terjadi kesepakatan antara ketua arisan dan peserta arisan.

Kata Kunci: Tinjauan, Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, Sistem, Jual Beli, Arisan



Buying and selling is carried out using the arisan system in Boneoge Village, one of which is by participating in the arisan. Buying and selling using the arisan system makes it easier for consumers to make transactions, because consumers prefer to set aside their money together every month. In the sale and purchase of the arisan system, the items to be purchased are not immediately obtained because you have to wait your turn (the name of the first order to get the goods) to get the items at the arisan. While buying and selling in cash or credit, the goods purchased can already be obtained immediately. However, in buying and selling the arisan system, sometimes the owner is faced with irresponsible arisan participants. The formulation of the internal problem is: How to buy and sell using the arisan system in Boneoge Village, Central Buton Regency and what are the provisions of sharia economic law regarding the practice of buying and selling with the arisan system. This research is a field research and uses qualitative research methods. Buying and selling using the arisan system in Boneoge Village, Central Buton Regency is legally permissible (mubah) because buying and selling using the arisan system does not contain usury. The chairman and participants of the arisan both feel the benefits of buying and selling with the arisan system and there is mutual help. However, there was no written agreement, but an agreement was made between the arisan chairman and the arisan participants.

Kata Kunci: Review, Sharia Economic Law, System, Buy and Sell, Lottery Club

Volume 5 Nomor 4 Juli 2024
Abstract viewed = 74 times