The main problem in this research is the da'wah strategy in minimizing The main problem in this study is how the Management Strategy of the 99 Kubah Mosque in Making Religious Tourism in the City of Makassar, then presents two sub-problems, namely: 1) What is the form of the management strategy of the 99 Kubah Mosque as religious tourism in the city of Makassar? 2) What are the opportunities and obstacles of the 99 Dome Mosque as a religious tourism in the city of Makassar?
This type of research is a qualitative research with a da'wah management approach. The data sources for this study amounted to 5 informants, namely the mosque management and several visitors at the 99 Kubah Makassar mosque. Furthermore, the data collection methods used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data processing and analysis techniques were carried out by data editing, data presentation, comparative analysis, and drawing conclusions.
The results of this study show the strategy of the Management of the 99 Kubah Mosque in Making Religious Tourism in the City of Makassar, namely by providing good regulations such as not allowing playing music in or around the mosque because not everyone dislikes music. With this mosque, the community can carry out worship and travel in an Islamic way, so that they always remember Allah SWT. Visitors who come are not only Muslims, but there are also non-Muslims.
The implication of this research is that the 99 domes mosque can attract visitors to come to worship and have religious tours because it has an attractive shape and color and its strategic location, which is close to Losari Makassar Beach.