Pendekatan Strategi Dakwah Komunitas

  • Sudirman UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Irwan Misbach UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Muh. Anwar UIN Alauddin Makassar


The main problem in this study is How to Analyze the Muslim Bikers Community's Da'wah Movement in Bulukumba? The sub-problems of the main problem are as follows: 1). What is the form of the Muslim Bikers Community's da'wah movement in Bulukumba? 2). How is the internal and external support from the Muslim Bikers in Bulukumba? The purpose of this study is to determine the form of da'wah movement carried out by Muslim bikers in Bulukumba, as well as to determine the internal and external support of the Muslim Bikers community in Bulukumba.

The researcher used a qualitative descriptive research type located in Gantarang District, Bulukumba Regency. The research approach used is the da'wah management approach. The data sources needed are: Secondary data and primary data. The samples used in the data sources in the study are: Chairman of Bulukumba Muslim Bikers, Secretary of Bulukumba Muslim Bikers, coordinator of the da'wah division and other data sources used as supporting data in the study. Data collection methods are observation, interview, documentation and literature study. The instruments in this study use interview guidelines, cameras, notebooks and pens. Data processing and analysis techniques are carried out by data reduction, data display, drawing conclusions and verification.

The results of the study conducted by the researcher were obtained from interview data. The form of da'wah movement of the Bulukumba Muslim Bikers community is the first oral da'wah in the form of studies, SALIM (safari taklim). MSQ (mosque dawn qur'an) second Dakwah bil-kalam in the form of massive use of social media such as Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Dakwah bil-hal in the form of visits to Islamic boarding schools and orphanages every week in the context of charity, Dakwah fardiah casual campus gathering, Dakwah ammah in the form of grand tabligh activities carried out once a year, Internal and external support from the Bulukumba Muslim Bikers community, including internal support Strength (strength) sense of solidarity of members, formation of morality, and welfare of the surrounding environment, Weaknesses (weaknesses) in the form of the faithfulness of friends to follow all forms of da'wah activities, external support Opportunities (opportunities) in the form of positive responses from the government and forms of support both financial and facilities, Threats (threats) in the form of negative stigma that can disrupt the continuity of dakwah

Kata Kunci: Da'wah Strategy, Community, Muslim Bikers

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