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Daftar Tilik Penyerahan Naskah

Penulis yang ingin memasukkan naskah harus memperhatikan poin-poin di bawah ini. Jika naskah tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan yang telah dicantumkan, ada kemungkinan naskah tersebut akan dikembalikan.
  • Penyerahan belum diterbitkan sebelumnya, atau sedang dalam pertimbangan jurnal lain (atau sebuah penjelasan belum disediakan dalam komentar kepada editor).

Panduan Penulis

  1. JFT focuses on the publication of the results of physics research which includes theoretical physics, material physics, geophysics, biophysics, computational physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics.
  2. The outline for articles the sequence is as follows: Title, Name, Affiliation, Email, Abstract, Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (optional), References.
  3. Manuscripts are written in Indonesian, except for abstracts should be in English.
  4. The number of pages between 6 - 15 with 1 cm spacing and 4-3-3-3 margins.
  5. The font type is Times New Rowman (TNR).
  6. The citations and references should be written in American Psychological Association (APA) style and it is recommended to use the Zotero application. References writing rules:
    • Author’s Name. (Year). Title. Publisher Place: Name of Publisher (for Book);
    • Author’s Name. (Year). Paper Title. Journal Name. Volume (Number): Page (for Journal);
    • Author’s Name. (Publication Year). Article Title. Edition Name [Internet]. [Downloaded Year Month Date]; Volume (Issue): Location (for Internet);
    • Author’s Name. (Year Month Date). Article Title. Newspaper Name. Sexy Information: Page (Column) (for Newspaper/Magazine).
  7. The complete manuscript writing rules are listed in the JFT Template, which can be found at the website address

Pernyataan Privasi

Nama dan alamat email yang dimasukkan di situs jurnal hanya akan digunakan untuk tujuan yang sudah disebutkan, tidak akan disalahgunakan untuk tujuan lain atau untuk pihak lain.