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Author Guidelines

Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Peradaban accepts articles in Indonesian and English. Please be willing to read the writing guidelines in our journal:
1. First, the authors download the journal template that we provide HERE.
2. The manuscripts we receive have never been published in other journals.
3. Files sent in Microsoft word.
4. The bibliography system of this journal uses the APA style. Therefore each writer uses the MENDELEY reference manager tool.

The Indonesian title does not exceed 20 characters and the English title does not exceed 15 characters (subtitles do not need to be capital letters)

Made in two languages (Indonesian and English). Each abstract consists of 57-120 words, consists of 1-3 paragraphs and for English use italics. Minimal abstract consists of the title, methodology, and research results. Keyword consists of 3-5 characters

Contains research problems, research objectives, and summaries of theoretical studies. The proportion of the background is 15-20% of the whole article. Manuscripts are written in Century font, 12pt, 1 space, one column, A4 paper size, upper and lower left and right margins Adjust to the margins of this Writing Template. The number of pages ranges from 12-25 pages.

Is the basis for research or theories related to the theme of the article raised. The proportion of theoretical reviews is 15-20% of the total text.

It is a research model or design, research objectives (subject, population, sample, and informant), data collection techniques, narrative data analysis techniques. The proportion of research methods is 15-20% of the total text.

Contains research results, data analysis related to hypotheses or research questions. The proportion of the results of the discussion consists of 40-60% of the total articles.

Here is an example if you use tables and Figures / Graphics in this section:


It is the essence of research where there is relevance between findings and discussion written in paragraph narrative form (qualitative research) or in the form of bullet points (for quantitative research).

Bibliography contains sources referred to in the writing of the article. The author uses the MENDELEY reference management tool using the APA style.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.