A Study on the Acculturation of Islam and Local Culture Bungamale as A Local Culture of South Sulawesi

  • Muhazzab Said Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Palopo


God created the nature in a variety of styles and shapes. Moreover, Gor created man with a diversity of ethnics, cultures, religions, and even the so-called multiculture. Islam does not percieve plurality as a sort of split potentially leading to disaster that might bring down the foundations of unity in human life. In fact, plurality makes huiman life dynamic and not stagnant, as it brings about competitions between each party in order to perform the best. Islam in Indonesia is considered more tolerant upon culture, as indicated by its accommodating attitude towards the local culture. This attitude reflects the willingness of Indonesia Muslims to absorb the local culture and to adjuct it to the teachings of Islam. Culture is seen as an inherent part of society’s life, hence it is not possible for a doctrine that brings a breath of rahmatan li al-`âlamìn (a blessing to the universe) to   suppress something that has become part of the society as long as the subject culture does not contradict the teachings of Islam. Among the local religious cultures in South Sulawesi is the tradition of “Bungamale”, which is serving boiled chicken eggs that have been decorated with certain ornaments, on every celebration of the birth day of the prophet Muhammad. 


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