About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The creative education journal focuses on Teacher Education Studies, Educational Curriculum, Educational Technology, Learning Theory, Islamic Education, and contemporary issues in the world of education.


This is journal specializes in educational discussions that consider the following general topics:

- Teacher education

- Educational curriculum

- Islamic education

- Educational technology

- Islamic educational science

- Educational management

- Educational philosophy

- Historical education

- Islamic religious education

- Moral education

- Character education

- Educational psychology

Peer Review Process

Every manuscript submitted to Pendidikan Kreatif is independently reviewed by at least two reviewers in the form of "peer-review". It is due to increase the quality of articles. Decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is mostly based upon their reports/recommendation. In certain cases, the editor may submit an article for review to another, third reviewer before making a decision, if necessary. The Editorial Team, however, reserves the right to make the final decision on the status of the manuscript with regard to publication.

Article Publication Charge
This journal charges the following author fees: Authors are not required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.

Article Submission: 0.00 (USD).

If your manuscript is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publication cost. Article Publication Normally, the rate of this service is 15–22 (USD).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Journal History

Pendidikan Kreatif was firstly published in 2020