Framing Media Online Terkait Isu Palestina Dan Israel
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the framing of the Palestine-Israel issue by where the framing will be analyzed using Robert Entman's framing analysis approach. A total of 27 news contents were analyzed from 7 May to 31 May 2021 in a cross-tabulation to analyze how defines problems, identifies causes, makes moral judgments, and recommends actions to solve these problems. The results of this study displayed in four schemes of Robert Entman's framing analysis, starting with 1) defining the problem, i.e. how Kompas describes the problems that occur, provides balanced information about events starting with evictions, which led to demonstrations, followed by the Jerusalem Day parade, which led to Israeli military repression; 2) diagnosis of causes, i.e how Kompas identifies what caused the problem to occur, and the presentation of is comprehensive enough to discuss the causes of each event; 3) make a moral assessment, i.e. how packs what is right and what is wrong in the events discussed, and uses words that are quite straightforward to blame Israel in the incident; 4) recommendations for treatment or recommendations for solutions from that put more pressure on Israel to stop violations of human rights
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