The Nature of Pinati in Mappammula Tradition in Tampumia Village, Bua Ponrang Subdistrict, Luwu Regency Qur'anic Perspective

Hakikat Pinati pada Tradisi Mappammula Di Desa Tampumia, Kec. Bua Ponrang, Kab. Luwu Perspektf Al-Qur’an

  • Muh. Alimin UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Muhammad Galib UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Abdul Ghany UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Hasyim Haddade UIN Alauddin Makassar
  • Muhammad Irham UIN Alauddin Makassar
Keywords: Essence, Pinati, al-Qur’an.


Pinati is the name of a figure who a figure who is instrumental in the rice planting process, in the beliefs of the Bugis people and in the Luwu community, another term in the Tae' language is bunga'lalang. In addition, pinati is understood to be a pammesareng figure, which means unifier, who becomes the benchmark for every farmer when starting rice planting. Pinati is also understood as an important element in the government and should not be eliminated. Pinati is known as a person who has a system of local knowledge about agriculture. The pinati is not an ordinary citizen but someone who is in the lineage of the previous pinati. It is not possible to become a pinati if one is not a descendant according to his or her according to his beliefs. This is because descendants are used as successors to what the done by previous ancestors. The value of Pinati in the Qur'anic perspective, including: Leadership Value, Unifying Value and Patience Value.

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