The Ma'baca Pattingelle Tradition in Bonto Marannu Village, Maros Regency (Analysis of Da'wah Messages)

  • Nurhalis
  • Muliaty Amin
  • Nurhidayat Muhammad Said
Keywords: Cultural Preaching, Ma'baca Pattingelle Tradition, Bonto Marannu Village


This study aims to examine the cultural preaching messages within the Ma'baca Pattingelle Tradition in Bonto Marannu Village, Maros Regency. The research adopts a descriptive qualitative research design located in Bonto Marannu Village, Maros Regency. The approach used is both preaching and communication. The primary data sources are key informants, namely Hanafing Unjung, Abdurrahman, and Abdurrahim. Additional informants include Abu Rasul as the Head of Bonto Marannu Village, and community members Jamaluddin, Abdul Muhtar, Ambo Dalle, Dg. Sibali, Muh Idris, Husnus Tsawab. Secondary data sources include books, the internet, ebooks, journals, and other supplementary materials. Data collection methods involve observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis comprises three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.

The research findings reveal that the cultural preaching messages in the Ma'baca Pattingelle Tradition in Bonto Marannu Village, Maros Regency, include: 1. Gratitude, as a form of thankfulness to the Creator who created the heavens and the earth along with all its contents. 2. Charity, giving possessions to those in need with the intention of seeking rewards in the afterlife without expecting anything in return and doing it sincerely for the sake of Allah. 3. Prayer, a tool to purify oneself from negative aspects with the intention of prolonging life and seeking blessings in this world.

The implications of this research are: 1. The need for a preaching and communication approach, incorporating semiotic theory and preaching methods that emphasize symbols and preaching messages without diminishing the essence of Islam. 2. The importance of raising awareness to be more careful in recognizing the diversity of traditions within society, as there may be preaching messages embedded in these traditions, as seen in the Ma'baca Pattingelle Tradition in Bonto Marannu Village, Maros Regency.


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How to Cite
Nurhalis, Muliaty Amin, & Nurhidayat Muhammad Said. (2022). The Ma’baca Pattingelle Tradition in Bonto Marannu Village, Maros Regency (Analysis of Da’wah Messages). Jurnal Mercusuar, 3(3), 417-429. Retrieved from
Abstract viewed = 44 times

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