• Ali Asadpour Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Architecture, Shiraz University of Arts


Abstrak_ Makalah ini membahas arsitektur vernakular dalam hal konsep dan pendekatan dalam studi. Keragaman definisi, sikap, dan preferensi telah menghasilkan berbagai pendekatan dalam beberapa dekade terakhir. Mengenali perbedaan ini dapat membantu untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang kondisi saat ini dan cakrawala masa depan dalam penelitian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini termasuk mengidentifikasi dan mengkategorikan pendekatan dominan terhadap arsitektur vernakular. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi lima kecenderungan yang dianggap arsitektur vernakular sebagai objek estetika, fenomena biologis (jenis dan evolusi), substansi material-fisik (penjelasan fisik), realitas budaya-sosiologis, dan akhirnya sebagai fenomena antropologis. Pendekatan-pendekatan ini merepresentasikan perpindahan dari dokumentasi ke interpretasi, objektivitas ke subjektivitas, dan primitif ke biasa dalam studi. Fenomenologi, hermeneutika, semiotik, studi gender, dan feminisme menetapkan cakrawala baru bagi penelitian arsitektur vernakular. Evolusi sikap dapat dijelaskan di bawah perubahan paradigma penelitian dari positivisme ke post-positivisme dan fenomenologi.

Kata kunci: Arsitektur Vernakular; Desain Iklim; Budaya; Sosiologi; Tipologi.


Abstract_ This paper addresses vernacular architecture in terms of concepts and approaches in studies. The diversity of definitions, attitudes, and preferences has led to a variety of approaches in recent decades. Recognizing these differences can help to obtain a deeper understanding of today's conditions and future horizons in research. The objectives of this study included identifying and categorizing the dominant approaches toward vernacular architecture. The research used a qualitative and descriptive method. The results identified five tendencies considered vernacular architecture as an object of aesthetics, a biological phenomenon (types and evolution), a material-physical substance (physical explanations), a cultural-sociological reality, and finally as an anthropological phenomenon. These approaches represented the movement from documentation to interpretation, objectivity to subjectivity, and primitive to ordinary in the studies. Phenomenology, hermeneutics, semiotics, gender studies, and feminism set new horizons for vernacular architectural research. The evolution of attitudes can be explained under the change in research paradigms from positivism to post-positivism and phenomenology.

Keywords:  Vernacular Architecture; Climatic Design; Culture Sociology; Typology.


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How to Cite
Asadpour, A. (2020). DEFINING THE CONCEPTS & APPROACHES IN VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE STUDIES. Nature: National Academic Journal of Architecture, 7(2), 241-255.
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