• Muhammad Ferah Yosantia Syiah Kuala University
  • Cut Dewi Arsitektur, Universitas Syiah Kuala
  • Safwan Arsitektur, Universitas Syiah Kuala
Keywords: Gayo Traditional House, Collective Memory, Gayo Architecture


The Gayo tribe is distinct in its language, clothes, ornamentation, culinary, and architectural works, all of which reflect the group's unique activities. The traditional Gayo communal house, known as Umah Gayo or Gayo House, is one example of originality. This paper aims to compare the adaptation of the Gayo traditional house to the surrounding environment based on literature with the community's collective memory, which has not been scientifically investigated. This study employs a qualitative technique with a descriptive approach to understand the Gayo traditional house's adaptability to its surroundings. Data was gathered through a literature review and direct observation of the remaining Gayo home structures. In addition, in-depth interviews with essential informants were undertaken. The findings reveal that the Gayo traditional house is a structure created by adapting to its surroundings, with the design, floor layout, and materials reflecting the rugged terrain of the Gayo area.


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How to Cite
Yosantia, M. F., Dewi, C., & Safwan. (2023). ADAPTASI ARSITEKTUR TRADISIONAL RUMAH GAYO BERDASARKAN MEMORI KOLEKTIF . Nature: National Academic Journal of Architecture, 10(2), 218-225.
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