Spiritual Intelligence with Work Motivation in Administration Employees at the Regional General Hospital in Makassar City

  • Nurhalizah Hafifah Department of Public Health, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia
  • M. Fais Satrianegara Department of Public Health Magister, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, IndonesiaDepartment of Public Health Magister, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia
  • Sukfitrianty Syahrir Department of Public Health, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: spiritual intelligence, work motivation, administrative employees


Background. Spiritual intelligence plays a high role in the success of individuals at work. In essence, a person uses spiritual intelligence as a bridge that dives into the real life as well as work motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between spiritual intelligence and the work motivation of administrative employees at the Haji Regional Hospital of Makassar. Methods.   This research is a quantitative research with analytical observational techniques and cross-sectional design. The population and samples from this study were administrative employees at the Haji Regional Hospital of Makassar who served at the counter and pharmacy section totaling 35 people. The sampling technique used was the census / total sampling technique. The analysis of the data used was the Spearman Rank (Rho) correlation test. This Spearman Rank (Rho) test was used to measure the degree or close relationship between two variables.  Results.  The research results obtained the level of spiritual intelligence of the dominant respondents both with a frequency of 30 respondents (85.7%), the work motivation of the majority respondents had a high level of motivation as many as 29 respondents (82.9%). Based on the results of the cross-tabulation test obtained the value of p = 0.000 (p≤0.05). This shows that there is a meaningful relationship between spiritual intelligence and work motivation in administrative employees at the Haji Regional Hospital of Makassar. Conclusion. The suggestion for the agencies is to hold a regular and continuous socialization program about the importance of increasing work motivation for the employees.

How to Cite
Hafifah, N., Satrianegara, M. F., & Syahrir, S. (2023). Spiritual Intelligence with Work Motivation in Administration Employees at the Regional General Hospital in Makassar City. Public Health Science & Religion, 1(1), 16-23. https://doi.org/10.24252/phsr.v1i1.42464
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