
The Editorial Board invites professors, students, researchers (both domestic and international), and practitioners to submit manuscripts of their research findings to the editorial team for potential publication in the Plano Madani Journal of the Department of Regional and Urban Planning at UIN Alauddin Makassar. Manuscripts should fall within the scope of the sciences of Regional and Urban Planning, prioritizing the timeliness and novelty of themes and studies, sound analysis, up-to-date references, plagiarism-free content, and a preference for research outcomes (literature and fieldwork). The fields of expertise that can be published by JPM include:

  1. Spatial Planning
  2. GIS for Regional and Urban Planning
  3. Islamic Spatial Planning
  4. Transportation
  5. Coastal Planning
  6. Environmental Studies
  7. Socio-Economic Regional and Urban Planning
  8. Rural Planning
  9. Disaster Management
  10. Relevant Scientific Fields

The Plano Madani Journal of the Department of Regional and Urban Planning is published in April (submission deadline March) and October (submission deadline September).

  • Call For Papers JPM Volume 13 No. 01 April 2024



    Invitation to Submit Scientific Papers

    Dear Researchers, Academics, and Practitioners in the field of Regional and Urban Planning,

    We cordially invite you to submit the results of your research activities, scientific papers, reviews, or original ideas. The encompassed fields include spatial planning, urban design, geographic information systems for regional and urban planning, Islamic spatial planning, transportation, coastal planning, environmental studies, socio-economic regional planning, rural planning, tourism planning, disaster management, urban landscape, and other relevant areas.

    Accepted scientific papers will be published in Volume 13 No 1 of the Plano Madani Journal scheduled for release in April 2024. The deadline for manuscript submission is March 1, 2024.

    Please visit our journal's website at for submission guidelines and further information.

    For any questions or clarifications, feel free to contact the Plano Madani Journal secretariat via phone at 085352217814 or email at [email protected].

    Thank you for your attention and cooperation. We look forward to welcoming scholarly contributions from all colleagues.


    Best Regards,

    [Editor in Chief Jurnal Plano Madani]




    Read more about Call For Papers JPM Volume 13 No. 01 April 2024