• Muhammad Assagaf Hayat Prodi HKI FSH UINAM
  • A Qadir Gassing
  • Hartini Tahir



The author examines how the judge's considerations regarding the determination of the marriage isbat in the case of elopement at the Maros Religious Court Class IB and how the determination of the marriage isbat in the case of elopement is based on the perspective of the ushul fiqh rules of Dar'ul Mafasid Muqaddam Alaa Jalbil Mashalih. This type of research is field research, namely research that is carried out directly to the research location to be able to collect complete and valid research data. The data collection techniques in this study are; observation, interview and documentation. Observations made directly in the religious court environment, interviews conducted with judges at the Maros religious court directly, and documentation aimed at collecting data related to documents related to marriage isbat, judges' decisions regarding marriage isbat and so on. Based on the research above, the researcher can draw a conclusion that the judge limits the marriage isbat according to the compilation of Islamic law Article 7 paragraph 3 essentially discusses matters concerning the marriage isbat that can be submitted is limited and the need to comply with the rules of KHI Article 14 regarding the fulfillment of the pillars and requirements of marriage so that Only then can the marriage isbat be performed on the marriage. Especially in realizing the rules of ushul fiqh, namely Dar'ul Mafasid Muqaddam Alaa jalbil Mashalih in the sense that it is a form of effort to eliminate harm (priority) so as to create a benefit. The implication of this research is to provide education/knowledge to the public regarding the effect of marriages that are not legal under state and religious law, as well as related to the settlement of unregistered marriages in order to apply for an isbat marriage at the religious court. So that the marriage gets recognition from the state and has legal force.

Keywords: marriage isbat, elopement, religious court, ushul fiqh rules




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