• Wahidah Alwi


The main object of the vectors are the vectors can be added
together and generate a vector, and produces a number is multiplied
by another vector. Any set of objects with properties like this are
called "vector space". Mathematical structure to be defined is a
Banach space. Clearly defined Banach space vector space of real /
complex normed and complete (with respect to the norm). Banach
space in this study examined the sequence space 1  , p  and   .
Based on the purpose of this study is to assess the Banach space
within a sequence space 1  , p  and   , it is obtained that a
sequence space 1  , p  and   form Banach space if it meets the
requirements of that sequence space 1  , p  and   is a vector
space, normed sequence space, and normed sequence space with


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volume 8 nomor 1 tahun 2014
Abstract viewed = 141 times