• Junaedi Dwi Susanto Universitas Muhammadiyah Pare-pare
  • Ria Rezky Universitas Muhammadiyah Pare-pare
Kata Kunci: Guidance and Counseling Islam, Self-Empowerment


The development of therapeutic sciense is currently growing rapidly, various treatment are used to overcome problems of self-development. Guidance and Counseling Islam is an Islamic Therapeutic path with the type of Islamic Counseling services as a therapeutic technique. In this study using Guidance and Counseling Islam in forming student self-empowerment through group counseling. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Islamic Counseling in forming student self-empowerment. The research method used is the one group pretest-posttest experiment. With the result of research on the formation of significant self-empowerment in student after the group counseling process with Islamic counseling techniques, this formation is shown at a minimum pretest score of 164.00 and a maximum score of 185.00 with a standard rating of 0.05. these results indicated that the effectiveness of Islamic Counseling techniques in establishing successful student self-empowerment.


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Vol. 8 No.2 Desember 2021
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