Pragmatic Analysis of Humor in American Animated Sitcom “American Dad! Season 17”

  • Dahlan Dahlan Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar


This research examines the flouting
and breaking of maxims by the
characters in the sitcom American
Dad! Season 17 it employs the Grice
cooperative principle theory as well as
Attardo's function of humor. This
research used qualitative research
method. The source of data is
American animated sitcom American
Dad! Season17. The research reveals
two findings. The first is that all the
four types of flouting are employed by
the characters to create humor in
American Dad! season17. They are
flouting maxim of quantity, flouting
maxim of quality, flouting maxim of
relation, and flouting maxim of
manner. Flouting maxim of relation is
mostly employed by the characters to
create humor, all the functions of
Humor are found in the sitcom; they
are social management,
decommitment, mediation, and
defunctionalization. For breaking
maxim, only two functions are found
in the sitcom; they are social
management, and defunctionalization.

How to Cite
Dahlan, D. (2023). Pragmatic Analysis of Humor in American Animated Sitcom “American Dad! Season 17”. Journal of Islamic Culture and Literature (JICel), 2(1). Retrieved from
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