Potential of Modified Cassava Starch as a Tablet Binder in Direct Compression Method

  • Wira Noviana Suhery Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Farmasi Riau
  • Anita Lukman
  • Afriyanti Afriyanti


Research on the potential of modified cassava starch as a binder for the direct compression method has been carried out. The use of modified cassava starch as a binder using six formulas with the drug model ibuprofen. Variations in the concentration of modified cassava starch were modified cassava starch 48 and modified cassava starch 72 were 15%, 17.5%, and 20%, respectively. The formula with a modified starch 72 concentration (15%) is the best formula that produced optimal tablets. The value of hardness was 5.3 kg/cm2, friability of 0.90%, and disintegration time of 2.06 minutes which are the main parameters of the binder


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How to Cite
Suhery, W. N., Lukman, A., & Afriyanti, A. (2021). Potential of Modified Cassava Starch as a Tablet Binder in Direct Compression Method. Ad-Dawaa’ Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.24252/djps.v4i2.25212
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