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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • this article is original

  • This article is not currently being reviewed in another journal

Author Guidelines

1. Manuscripts
The manuscript is using English or Indonesia language with the length 8 – 12 pages
2. Title and Authors
The title is written clear and complete, without using an abbreviation. All authors’ names should be written complete, active institution, address, phone number, email for correspondence. The name of the authors is written in order from the first author, second author, etc.
3. Abstracts
Abstracts for original articles and cases are written below the title and author’s name and institution. The length of an abstract is 150- 200 words with (a) introduction ( 1 sentence), (b) purpose of the study/case reports (1 sentence), methods (4 – 5 sentences), result/brief management and outcome of the case reports (5 – 7 sentences), and conclusion (1 sentence). The final line of the abstracts containing keywords with 4 – 8 words.
4. Introduction
The introduction provides information about the background issue of the study/case reports. This part should not include the review of theories but a summary of previous research related to the article
5. Methods
The methods section is explaining several points such as population and samples, data collection procedure, research area, and data analysis. These points are written structured and clear. Ethics permission is also stated in this section.
6. Result/Case Presentation
The result contains narration about the data showing in the tables and figures. The illustration of tables and figures supposed to be effective and explicit in intention to emphasize the significant value of the data result.
7. Discussion
The discussion includes the explanation of the main findings of the study, why it happened and the comparison between the study and previous studies in terms of pros and cons among the studies. Also, the discussion should contain strengths and limitations of the study, how the author deals with this, and not to forget adding the value or implication of the study.
8. Table and Figure
The table and figure are maximum to 5 pieces. The information on the table and figure should be clear, self-explanation, and informative.
9. Conclusion and recommendation
The conclusion contains the answer to study objectives. Further recommendations for a similar topic could be placed here.
10. Reference
The references follow the Vancouver system with number arrangement as order appeared in the article. Example of the reference is shown below :
• Article in the journal
Vandenplas Y & Hegar B. Soy-based infant nutrition: a review. Paediatr Indones J 2014;54: 62-6.
• Organization as the main author
Direktorat Jendral PPM & PLP, Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Pedoman pengobatan malaria. Medika 1993; 34:23-8.
• Article without no name
Imaging of sinusitis [editorial]. Ped Infect J 1999; 18:1019-20.
• Supplementary
Solomkin JS, Hemsel DL, Sweet R, dkk. Evaluation of new infective drugs for the treatment of intraabdominal infections. Clin Infect Dis 1992; 15 Suppl 1: 533-42.
• Book and monograph
• Private writer/author
Bannister BA, Begg NT, Gillespie SH. Infectious Disease. Edisi pertama. Oxford: Blackwell Science; 1996.
• Author as editor
Galvani DW, Cawley JC, Penyunting. Cytokine therapy. New York: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge; 1992.
• Organization as author and editor
World bank. World development report 1993: investing in health. New York: World Bank; 1993.
• Book section
Loveday C. Virology of AIDS. Dalam: Midel A, Miller R, editor. AIDS, a pocketbook of diagnosis and management. Edisi kedua. London: Arnold holder Headline Group 1996. h.19-41.
• Conference proceeding
• Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editor. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Prosiding dari the 10th International Congres of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; Kyoto, Jepang; 15-19 Oktober 1995. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.
• Conference article
Bengstone S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy, and security in medical informatics. Dalam: Lun KC, DegoultetP, Piemme TE, Reinhoff O, editor. MEDINFO 92. Prosiding the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics: Sep 6-10,1992; Genewa, Swiss. Amsterdam: North Holland; 1992: 1561-5.
• Scientific report Akutsu T. Total heart replacement device. Bethesda: National Institutes of Health, National Heart and Lung Institutes; 1974 Apr. Report No: NHH-NHL 1-69-2185-4.
• Thesis
Ridha NR. Peran Hepcidin terhadap gangguan homeostasis besi pada inflamasi akibat obesitas pada anak (Kajian Patomekanisme gangguan homeostasis besi pada anak obesitas) [disertasi]. Makassar: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin, 2013.
• Other Publication
• Newspaper article
Bellamy C. Gizi bayi adalah investasi masa depan. Kompas 26 Januari 2000; hal 8 kolom 7-8.
• Audiovisual article
AIDS epidemic: the phisycian's role [rekaman video]. Cleveland, 1987.
• Ongoing article (manuscript on processed)
Sebodo T. Response of plasma and yeast-derived hepatitis vaccines in Children. Paediatr Indones, In press 2002.
• Electronic journal
• Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious disease. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] Jan-Mar 1995 [cited 5 Jan 1996]; 1910: [24 screen]. Didapat dari: URL:
• Electronic monograph
CDI. Clinical dermatology illustrated [monograph pada CD-ROM]. Reeves JRT, Maibach H,CMEA Multimedia Group, produser, edisi ke-2. versi 2.0 San Diego: CMEA;1995
• Computer article
Hemodynamics III: the ups and downs of hemodynamics [program komputer]. Versi 2.2. Orlando (FL); Computerized Educational System; 1993.