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Author Guidelines

  1. The manuscript must be written in English or Indonesian.
  2. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  3. The word count in this article is between 4,000 – 10,000 words (excluding bibliography).
  4. Each article will go through a plagiarism check using the Turnitin app. If the article has more than 20% similarity, it will be returned to the author.
  5. The manuscript is typed in Microsoft Office Word, A4 paper size, with a paper format of 2.54 cm (Left – Top – Right –   Bottom), and portrait orientation.
  6. This article is presented with the following components:

    Title: Article Title Maximum 16 words, typed with Times New Roman 14pt, Bold, 1.15 space, Capitalize Each Word, and the middle edge.

    Author Name: The author's name is typed in Times New Roman 12pt, 1.15 space, Capitalize Each Word, middle edge, without title, and may not be abbreviated. Under the name, write the name of the institution and the author's email address, typed in Times New Roman 10pt, Italic, 1 space, Capitalize Each Word, middle edge.

    Abstract: Manuscript articles must be accompanied by Abstracts in English and Indonesian. Abstract in English is written first and then in Indonesia. The abstract is written in a concise, clear, complete, independent and complete manner describing the essence of the contents of the entire writing that consisted brief introduction, method, result and discussion, and conclusion. The abstract is written in no more than 150 words. The abstract must be able to provide readers with information on the main topics of the article and the findings of your research. Use the correct diction so that you can describe the results of your research effectively. ¬ 10pt, Times New Roman, Italic

    Keywords: (Minimum three keywords alphabetly and used the semicolon symbol (;) to separate the words) ¬ 10pt, Times New Roman, Italic

    INTRODUCTION: The introduction contains the background for writing articles containing academic anxiety, which can be supplemented with statistical data. Authors should include previous research to show pioneering and novelty research. The author should point out the advantages and disadvantages of previous research, then indicate what you expect from your work (to solve these limitations), which is formulated in the problem formulation and research objectives. Enter 1 cm tab for each new line, 11 pt Times New Roman, 1.15 spacing, then add 6 pt spacing before and after each paragraph and use left and right alignment.

    METHOD: Every article originating from research results must include the research method. The research method is a series of technical steps that researchers carry out in their research. No longer discussing the definition of a method. In the research method, it is necessary to include the approach taken, type of research, data sources, method of data collection, and techniques for checking the validity of the data. The method used must be accompanied by references. The research method is formulated briefly and clearly. Enter 1 cm tab for each new line, 11 pt Times New Roman, 1.15 spacing, then add 6 pt spacing before and after each paragraph and use left-right alignment.

    RESULT AND DISCUSSION: The analysis and discussion contains a description of the research results based on the problem that is the focus of the research. If in this analysis and discussion there are things that need to be further classified and elaborated based on the research problem, the author can use/add sub-chapters. This analysis and discussion can be supplemented by tables, figures, and/or graphs where the content is numbered and title is given. The results of data analysis must be described correctly. The discussion section presents research findings logically, links to relevant reference sources (national and international journals), GAP analysis, scientific novelties/findings are clearly described, comparison of research findings (references) with reference sources (national and international journals) which is relevant. Enter 1 cm tab for each new line, 11 pt Times New Roman, 1.15 spacing, then add 6 pt spacing before and after each paragraph, and use left and right alignment.

    CONCLUSION: Conclusions must answer the research objectives formulated briefly and effectively. The conclusion is not a summary of the discussions that have been carried out. Conclusions are expected to contain theoretical implications that describe how your research or thoughts can advance the scientific field of family law. Without a clear conclusion, it will be difficult for reviewers and readers to judge your work. You should also suggest future research and/or show future researchers what to do.  Enter 1 cm tab for each new line, 11 pt Times New Roman, 1.15 spacing, then add 6 pt spacing before and after each paragraph, and use left and right alignment.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Add if required by author. An acknowledgment is a thank you to the author's home institution, and/or an institution that has contributed greatly (whether morally, or materially) to the author's writing.

    1. It is recommended and prioritized for scripts that use automated tools, such as Mendeley, Zotero, or others.
    2. Use Turabian 8th Style (full note) and footnote in the text. 
    3. Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, spacing: 1.15.
    4. Arranged alphabetically.
    5. All the references have used the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or at least the active link website of the articles.
    6. Please provide a minimum of 30 references in each article.

Volume 6 Number 1 March 2024

Social justice issues in the national and global context.  

Volume 6 Number 2 August 2024

Government policy and its implementation to maintain the stability of the nation.

Volume 6 Number 3 November 2024

The effectiveness of law enforcement and prevention in modern society

Volume 7 Number 1 March 2025

Human Rights and Global Perspectives on Humanitarian Law

Volume 7 Number 2 August 2025

The Development of Law Enforcement in the Artificial Intelligence  Era

Volume 7 Number 3 November 2025

Cyber Law and Its Effects to the National Jurisdiction