• Isyvina Unai Zahroya Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
  • Muh Rasywan Syarif Universitas Islam Negeeri Alauddin Makassar
Keywords: Development of Astrology, Middle Ages, Falak Science


This article examines the history of the development of astronomy in the Middle Ages as evidenced by the emergence of reliable Muslim scholars in the history of Muslim scientific civilization. The method used is a literature review by looking at the historical references to the development of astronomy. From the results of the study it was found that the development of Islamic science (1250 AD / 647 H - 1800 AD / 1214 H) in astronomy was divided into 4 periods including the first period which is believed to be the era of assimilation and the initial struggle of Greek, Indian and Sasanid astronomy (Persia). (700 AD / 80 AH – 825 AD / 209 AH), the second period is believed to be a major investigation and acceptance and modification of the Ptolemaic astronomical system (825 AD / 209 H - 1025 AD / 415 H), the third period as a period of advancement of the system Islamic astronomy is believed to be the middle ages of astronomy (1025 AD / 415 H - 1450 AD / 853 H), the fourth period was a period of stagnation in which not many scientific contributions were achieved (1450 AD / 853 H - 1900 AD / 1317 H).


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