• Herdi Sahrasad Paramadina Graduate School, Faculty of Philosophy and Civilization, University of Paramadina


This paper discusses the discourse welfare state or social state as well as the social justice. The state is formed on motivating citizen consensus or social contracts that are associated with resolving problems that cannot be solved individually such as justice, welfare, law enforcement, eradicating corruption-collusion-cronyism, prosperity distribution, security and so forth.  Indonesia post New Order trying to find a solution to the political-economic crisis that hit and the intelligentsia here proposes various ideas and ideas to develop the country and nation in accordance with the aspirations and development of their society. In this case, the citizens' request or invitation to the state to be involved in solving problems and challenges that cannot be solved by the community is called the principle of subsidiarity. Of course, outside the needs of the community, "welfarel state or social state" is forbidden to interfere with citizens' affairs. In the era of neoliberal globalism, the manifestation of the principle of subsidiarity can be applied to protection and guarantees for the people and workers to have the right to decent living, not exploited by multi-national companies, protection and guarantee for farmers from the entry of foreign agricultural products, as well as protection and guarantees domestic in the trade sector in order to have competitiveness against foreign products.


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