Analisis Bibliometrik Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan: Publikasi Ilmiah dI Negara-Negara ASEAN

  • Tupan Tupan Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah LIPI
  • Rulina Rachmawati Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah LIPI


Dilakukan kajian untuk mengetahui (1) pertumbuhan jumlah publikasi ilmiah bidang ilmu dan teknologi pangan, (2) jurnal inti (core jurnal), (3) produktivitas peneliti; (4) jumlah dokumen berdasarkan kolaborasi lembaga; (5) jumlah publikasi berdasarkan subjek/bidang; (6) peta perkembangan publikasi berdasarkan kata kunci dan pengarang pada negara-negara ASEAN. Penelitian menggunakan metode bibliometrik. Pengumpulan data dengan cara melakukan penelusuran melalui database scopus dengan kata kunci Food science and technology dengan katagori Article title, Abstract, Keywords dalam kurun waktu 1996-2016. Data dianalisis berdasarkan tahun, penulis, asal penulis dan subjek menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2010. Sedangkan untuk peta perkembangan publikasi dianalisis dengan menggunakan software VosViewer. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan publikasi ilmiah ilmu dan teknologi pangan negara-negara ASEAN  menunjukkan adanya kenaikan dan pertumbuhan tertinggi terjadi di tahun 2013 yaitu sebanyak 113 dokumen (14,71%). Publikasi terbanyak dipublikasikan pada jurnal inti International Journal Of Food Science And Technology yaitu sebanyak 240 publikasi. Lembaga penyumbang publikasi tertinggi adalah Universiti Putra Malaysia sebanyak 95 publikasi. Peneliti paling produktif dari negara Thailand diantaranya Benjakul, S., Benjakul, S.,  Noomhorm, A, Therdthai, N., Devahastin, S. Negara yang paling produktif adalah Thailand sebanyak 310 publikasi. Subjek yang terbanyak adalah Agricultural and Biological Sciences sebanyak 620 dokumen (80,7%), disusul Engineering sebanyak 318 (41,4%), Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology sebanyak 112 dokumen (14,6%) , Immunology and Microbiology 74 dokumen (9,6%) dan tertinggi dalam bentuk artikel. Melalui visualisai network terlihat hubungan antartopik mengelompok menjadi 7 kluster


The study was conducted to find out (1) the growth of scientific publications in food science and technology; (2) core journals; (3) productivity; (4) the number of documents based on agency collaboration; (5) the number of publications based on subject / field; (6) the mapping of scientific publication in food science and technology based on keywords and authors in ASEAN countries. This study used bibliometric method. Data was collected by searching through Scopus database by using Food science and technology as keyword on the article title, abstract, keywords category for the period of 1996-2016. Data was analyzed by year, authors, author and subject using Microsoft Excel 2010. The mapping of scientific publication was analyzed using VosViewer software. The result showed that the growth of scientific publication of food science and technology of ASEAN countries experienced the highest increase and growth in 2013 (113 documents or 14.71%). Scientific publications of food science and technology of most ASEAN countries were published in the Journal of International Food Science And Technology (240 publications). The highest contributor was Universiti Putra Malaysia with 95 publications. The most prolific researchers were from Thailand, among them Benjakul, S., Benjakul, S., Noomhorm, A, Therdthai, N., Devahastin, S. The most productive countries was Thailand (310 publications). The highest number of scientific publications of ASEAN countries are Agricultural and Biological Sciences (620 documents or 80.7%), followed by Engineering (318 or 41.4%), Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology had as many as 112 documents or 14.6%, Immunology and Microbiology (74 documents or 9.6%) and most of them were  journal articles. Through network visualization, it was showed that the topic relationships are grouped into 7 clusters.



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How to Cite
Tupan, T., & Rachmawati, R. (2018). Analisis Bibliometrik Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan: Publikasi Ilmiah dI Negara-Negara ASEAN. Khizanah Al-Hikmah : Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, Dan Kearsipan, 6(1), 26-40.
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