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Author Guidelines


The manuscript to be published is an original manuscript related to community service. These community service activities include the implementation of research results, application of appropriate technology, results of scientific development (innovation), and development of community empowerment models. Manuscripts have never been published either in domestic journals or in foreign journals. Manuscripts must follow the format specified in the PPM journal.


Acceptable manuscripts related to Community Service include KKN-based service scripts in the form of implementation of research results, application of appropriate technology, results of scientific development (innovation), and development of community empowerment models in various scientific dimensions within the scope of UIN Alauddin Makassar.


The author sends one sampler of the original manuscript along with documents (softfile) in the form of Microsoft Word. The manuscript and (softfile) are sent directly to the Editor of the Journal of PPM UIN Alauddin Makassar (Office of LP2M UIN Makassar Lt. I)


Manuscripts are typed single-spaced on A4 paper with a margin of 2 cm with Trebuchet MS font type size 11. Each sheet is given consecutive pages, pictures and tables may be included in the results and discussion. Each table and figure must be given a description at the bottom of the picture. Manuscripts are written no more than 15 pages including pictures and tables.

Manuscripts are written systematically as follows

1. Title: written in Indonesian and English. The title is as specific as possible, concise and clear and written at     most 17 words.
2. Author's Full Name: Author's full name without a title, in the column below the author's name include professional records and the institution where the author works and email/gmail address
3. Abstract: written in Indonesian and English with a maximum of 160 words and includes a maximum of five words of keywords
4. Introduction: contains the background of community service activities with clear sentences. The introductory section includes the problems and objectives of community service activities
5. Implementation Method: contains the location and activity participants, materials, tools, activity implementation methods, data collection methods, data processing and analysis.
6. Results and Discussion: presented in the form of text, tables, and images. The results and discussion contain the implementation of the activities, the obstacles encountered, the impacts, and efforts to continue the activities.
7. Quotations: direct quotations in the manuscript are presented in quotation marks and annotations are given in footnotes if necessary.
8. Conclusion: contains the meaning of activity results and answers to problems and activity objectives as well as suggestions or policy recommendations for program sustainability.
9. Acknowledgments (if needed): can be used to state the source of funds for activities whose results are reported in this journal and give awards to the relevant agencies.
10. Bibliography: according to what is referred to in the article. Writing a bibliography refers to the general writing guidelines of UIN Alauddin Makassar