Kerangka Konseptual Hubungan Social Proof terhadap Minat Berbelanja Online

  • Muh. Ilham Jaya Kusuma
  • Mr. Ahmad Efendi UIN Alauddin


Nowadays, online shopping is an activity that is consumers often do to meet their actual needs. The decision to online shopping is influenced by several things, including social proof. The purpose of this study was to develop a conceptual framework for the impact of social proof on online shopping interest.


Author Biography

Mr. Ahmad Efendi, UIN Alauddin


How to Cite
Jaya Kusuma, M. I., & Efendi, A. E. (2022). Kerangka Konseptual Hubungan Social Proof terhadap Minat Berbelanja Online. Study of Scientific and Behavioral Management (SSBM), 3(1), 26-32. Retrieved from
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