• Nichella Ayu Clarita Technology University of Yogyakarta
  • Indah Rahmawati Technology University of Yogyakarta
  • Solikin Sudibyo Technology University of Yogyakarta


Many students usually find it hard to speak in English, because they have not practiced enough. This reason makes them cannot speak English well. Speaking is the skill which student should master it in order to communicate with other people. The situation in the learning process is one of the important things that the teacher should consider. This research aims to know; (1) the students’ achievement of the third semester of English Education Department at the University of Technology Yogyakarta in speaking English using role-play technique on academic year 2018/2019, and (2) the influencing factors to the students’ speaking skill achievement using role-play technique. The method used was quantitative method with experimental design to 9 students as the research sample. The data were analysed using Microsoft Excel 2013. The findings indicated that the mean score increased from 70 to 78.88, the standard deviation also improved from 6.123 to 7.817. Furthermore, the data from questionnaire indicated that the students had positive responses toward the use of role-play technique. Therefore, the use of role-play technique can improve the students’ speaking ability at this experimental research.  


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Author Biographies

Nichella Ayu Clarita, Technology University of Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta University of Technology or commonly abbreviated as UTY is one of the best private universities in the form of universities in Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). Indonesian Minister of National Education No 237 / D / 0/2002 dated October 23, 2002.
Solikin Sudibyo, Technology University of Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta University of Technology or commonly abbreviated as UTY is one of the best private universities in the form of universities in Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). Indonesian Minister of National Education No 237 / D / 0/2002 dated October 23, 2002.


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How to Cite
Clarita, N. A., Rahmawati, I., & Sudibyo, S. (2020). THE IMPACT OF ROLE-PLAY TECHNIQUE ON THE STUDENTS’ ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL. ETERNAL (English, Teaching, Learning, and Research Journal), 6(1), 42-51.
Volume 6, Number 01, June 2020
Abstract viewed = 651 times