Pemalsuan Hadis Dan Upaya Mengatasinya
The existence of the false hadis is a real fact in Islamic history. There are some motives why one made the false hadis addressing to Prophet Muhammad. Thus, it is hard to differenciate between the false hadis and the true one. Therefore, ulamas have made the basic rules in determining the true hadis, hasan and weak hadis. To know the quality of hadis can be identified from its sanad and matan.
al-Khatib, Muhammad Ajjaj. Ushul al-Hadis Ulumuhu Wa Mustlalahu, Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1981.
al-Maliki, Sayid Muhammad ibn Alawi al-Manhaj al-Latif fi Ushul Hadis al-Syarif, Terjemahan Badruddin, Mutiara Pokok Ilmu hadis, Bandung: Trigenda karya, 1995.
al-Shaleh, Abu Amr Usman bin Abdurrahman ibnu. Ulum al-Hadis, Madinah: Maktabah al-Islamiyah, 1072.
al-Siba’I, Mustafa. al-Sunnah; Makanatuha fi al-tasyri al-Islamy, terjemahan Djafar Abd. Muchith, al-Hadis sebagai sumber Hukum, Bandung: CV. Dipanegoro, 1993.
al-Siddiqi, M. Hasbi. Sejarah dan pengantar Ilmu Hadis, Cet. XI; Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1993.
Amin, Ahmad. Fajr al-Islam, Kairo: Maktabah al-Nahqah al-Misriyah, 1975.
Ismail, M. Syuhudi. Kaedah Keshahihan Sanad Hadis, Cet. I. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1988.
---------, Kaedah Keshahihan Sanad Hadis, Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1995.
---------, Metodologi Penelitian Hadis Nabi, Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1992.
Itr, Naruddin. Manhaj al-Nagel fi Ulum al-Hadis, diterjemahkan oleh Mujiya dengan judul Ulum Hadis, Cet. I; bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 1994.
Mustafa, Muhammad ‘Azami. Studies in Hadith Methodology and Literathure, terjemahan A. Yamin, metodologi Kritik Hadis, Bandung: Pustaka Hidayah, 1992.
Ranuwijaya, Utang. Ilmu Hadis, Cet. I; Jakarta: Gaya Media Pratama, 1996.